2 BETTER: SHATTERED EMPIRE. Das erweiterte Universum beinhaltet Bücher, Comic-Hefte, Spiele und andere Medien, die die Geschichten, die in den … The Church of Waru. Wir verraten euch -- völlig spoilerfrei! It wasn't until Waru consumed Hethrir that Waru was able to create a rip in the space-time continuum; however, it was unknown to those present if Waru died during its creation and his imploding, or if he was able to escape the galaxy's dimension and return home.[1]. This is a Mara/Luke AU love story that takes place between 14 ABY and 44 ABY. Re: Waru Power Level. Throughout the saga walkers have played a pivotal role in the fate of characters and the outcome of battles. Cult of Waru[1]Empire Reborn[1] Das \"Star Wars\"-Universum erscheint grenzenlos: Gerade auf Einsteiger kann der Umfang der Science-Fiction-Oper von Schöpfer George Lucas abschreckend wirken. Along with Chewbacca and Artoo-Detoo, she follows the kidnappers' trail to a disabled refugee ship, from which children are also missing. The Dark Jedi Order was an informal organization of Dark Jedi formed in the years between Darth Vorath's death and the Glorian invasion. Eventually, Hethrir's quest proved fruitful after coming upon and kidnapping the Solo children, of which he planned to sacrifice Anakin Solo in order to fulfill his end of the bargain. Blaming Hethrir personally, Waru quickly expanded one last time, engulfing a surprised Hethrir. Im Mai 2018 erschien mit Solo: A Star Wars Story der zweite Film dieser Reihe, die ihre Handlung abseits der Haupttrilogien hat. Waru eröffnete einen Stand auf der Station, die im Prinzip ein großer Basar war. Once inside Waru, the former princess swam through the golden interior toward Skywalker. November 2020 um 17:47 Uhr bearbeitet. Waru, exhausted and lonely, demanded a sacrifice; Skywalker stepped in at this time and offered himself to join with Waru, much to the shock and dismay of both Leia and Han Solo. Surprising Skywalker's allies in attendance, Skywalker agreed, and offered himself to Waru; the gold being accepted the offering and consumed the Jedi Master into his body. [11] This was noted by Abel G. Peña, whose only comment was "These guys are insane. Waru's interior was was also breathable by Humans. 18. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. Solo interrupted the conversation before Skywalker could commit, against Waru's wishes, and dragged Skywalker towards the exit. Dezember 1980 statt. New Boards The Dancing Ewoks Victory Banner. In exchange, Waru wished only for a way to escape back to his own dimension, which he hoped to accomplish by consuming a being with a large amount of Force-sensitivity. In the midst of this rebirth came numerous challenges for Skywalker and his apprentices, including the Black Fleet Crisis, the Almanian Uprising, and the lure of Waru, but Skywalker, aided by fellow Jedi and his friends, was able to overcome each trial. They could also be forcibly moved aside by external forces. so yeah its not for younger readers at all. While Solo was originally skeptical and convinced of Waru's intent to harm supplicants seeking his healing power, Skywalker became enamored at the golden being's actions; Skywalker began seeking a way to heal himself of the effects of the nearby crystal star, which were severing his ties to the Force and making Skywalker feel as if he were dying. Solo also joined the fray, jumping inside Waru as well, while a skirmish between the enslaved children and their masters began around Waru's exterior. Once the three arrived, still unsure who they were looking for, Han Solo was approached by a female Ghostling follower of Waru. Waru, meanwhile, was continuing his services in his altar. The ceremony took a different path, as Waru suddenly cried out, signifying a problem with the healing process. Dezember 2017 in … [1], In order to maintain the charade of his power and to keep those watching under his control, Waru would often sustain those who he treated. [1], Instead of his typical motions with an intent to heal, Waru reversed the process, contracting his scales rather than expanding them, crushing the fragile youth. After a sigh emanating from Waru, the chrysalis exploded, leaving the Ithorian dead upon the altar before the being. Discussion board for Star Wars versus matchups. [1], The plates on Waru's outside protected a layer of raw flesh. Listen to "Star Wars: The Crystal Star" by Vonda McIntyre available from Rakuten Kobo. It was unsure to those present, as well as those who reported on the events, what happened after Waru contracted; different sources claim that he survived and was teleported home, yet another claims that he died there. Meanwhile, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker are cut off from Leia by the death of a nearby star, which has caused a disruption in the Force. The worldship continued its path to Crseih Station, Organa Solo and the children still aboard. a little darker then most star wars stories not as amazing as some of Luke's adventures and definitely dark as it delves in child slavery and the bad guy trys to feed Anakin Solo to a demon near the end. The two Solos both attempted to swim their way to Skywalker, eventually reaching each other and then Skywalker. I always liked how creepy and strange this character is, but how powerful is this thing? Waru accepted this agreement between the two of them, and remained on Crseih Station as Hethrir conducted his search. Kostenlose Lieferung ab EUR 29 Bestellwert. Hier machte er sich als Wunderheiler einen Namen. About The Crystal Star: Star Wars Legends. In Star Wars Episode 1 wird der Vizekönig der Handelsföderation Nute Gunray von Padme Amidala festgenommen. [1], Around 14 ABY, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker was looking for new students to train in his academy. Male[1] [1] This whirlpool was rumored to lead to Waru's own world and universe. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 23. Waru was considered a healer by many, due to his ability to treat injuries utilizing his own body. This is a Mara/Luke AU love story that takes place between 14 ABY and 44 ABY. After some more pleading, Skywalker too broke from Waru's command, and began working his way out of the being's insides. The plan was completed successfully, and the former Procurator of Justice held them aboard his worldcraft, named the Rebirth, until they could arrive at Crseih Station. It was itself intriguing due to its nature; its consistency was somewhere between a solid and a liquid and could be breathed, albeit with effort, by Humans as if it was regular air containing oxygen. Waru war ein unförmiger Klumpen mit goldenem Schuppen und ohne sichtbare Sinnesorgane, konnte aber trotzdem mit den Bewohnern der Galaxis kommunizieren. Dieses Star Wars Holiday Special gilt als so unfassbar schlecht, dass Stars wie Carrie Fisher lange Zeit verschwiegen haben, dass sie darin mitgespielt haben. The called company of beings would approach the altar, where a request would be made. Organa Solo's group, now led by Rillao, also entered shortly thereafter, and met up with the panicked Solo. Im Gegenzug sollte Waru ihm Machtkräfte verleihen. Waru is from another dimension and he was pulled through to the Star Wars dimension by a star turning into a crystal. The character of Waru was created by Vonda N. McIntyre for her novel, The Crystal Star, where he was allied with members of the Empire Reborn. Princess Leia's children have been kidnapped. Together, Solo and his wife attempted to pull Skywalker away from the enticing singularity inside Waru, who protested and attempted to sooth the two Skywalker siblings into giving themselves to him. Though she had attended almost all of his services, she hadn't personally met with Waru until 14 ABY. The twins eventually gave into his demands, and fell into the whirlpool leading to the darkness within Waru, forcing Solo to follow. او مجبور میشود ۹ ماه با مادرش زندگی کند. Star Wars (englisch für Sternkriege) ist ein Film-Franchise, dessen Geschichte mit dem 1977 erschienenen Kinofilm Krieg der Sterne (Originaltitel: Star Wars) begann. Eventually, the group was able to track down Rebirth, where numerous kidnapped children were held. "[8], Peña has also written a couple of blogs about Waru and The Crystal Star. Externally, Waru appeared to be a large, blob-like object covered in golden scales which he used to allow entry into his being. The Bedlam Spirits. They have gone to the planet Crseih to investigate a report of a lost group of Jedi. Seit Jahren beschäftigt Fans der wahre Ursprung des Obersten Anführers Snoke. Darüber freuen wir uns. [1], At an unknown period of time prior to 14 ABY, Waru was transported from his unknown homeworld (and dimension) through the acts of the dying star Crseih, due to a rare process where this star crystallized. To fuel Waru's need to ingest beings for their energies, Hethrir would "harvest" children from their homes and raise them for two different purposes: those able to use the Force would comprise the Empire Reborn, which was set up to restore the Galactic Empire to its former status in the galaxy, and those unable to touch the Force were to be sacrificed to Waru, or sold as slaves to fund Hethrir's actions.
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