I'd rather not crowd my tank. Upside-Down Cats tend to prefer swimming in loose schools, and we recommend a minimum of 5 in a tank. As such, you need to react immediately and start treatment on time. Also, what do you feed them. Temperature: 72 – 80 Deg F / 22 – 27 Deg C. Water chemistry: pH 6.5 – 8.0. Asian Upside Down Catfish Classification. Instead house with medium to large peaceful fish for best compatibility. Inside an aquarium, the Upside-Down Catfish can remain in one position for hours. Click here for more information. Aquarium filters which have been highly recommended by customers in your area can be found here. Because Upside-Down Catfish are compatible with most fish, they are ideal for a community aquarium. They start turning upside-down in 7-8 weeks after their birth. Upside down cats love to scavenge for food on the underside of your plants and decor. As the name entails, the extraordinary Upside-Down Catfish gracefully swims upside down with ease. His favorite aquariums are biotopes (Amazon River), with Echinodorus and Angelfish. Provide hiding places large enough where they can rest upside down. Common name: Upside-down Catfish Scientific name: Synodontis Nigriventris Average Adult Fish Size: 4 inches / 10 cm Place of Origin: Zaire and Niger River basins of Africa. Compatibility: Not to be kept with small fish (i.e. Stevebubble. Scientifically known as the Synodontis nigriventris, the Upside-Down Catfish are an unusual yet extremely famous species which have been admired by aquarists all across the globe. If you’re planning to keep a single specimen then … The catfish becomes reproductive at the age of 2—3 years old. This is why this position of its body appears to be the most efficient in this case. The squeaking is accomplished by rubbing the spines of its pectoral fins into grooves on its shoulders. One of the smallest members of the Synodontis species, the upside-down catfish is aptly named for its upside down swimming posture, which makes it easier for it to feed more effortlessly on the water's surface. An important thing that you should always consider is that you may need to be extra careful while netting or moving this fish, as they have very sharp fins which can lead to injuries. Compatible & Semi Aggressive. Asian Upside Down Catfish; General. ... and they may often be observed resting in the infamous upside-down Synodontis position underneath plants or decor. Juvenile Featherfin Squeakers look completely different from adults. Peacock Cichlid. That is why you should have both in your aquarium to increase the chances of breeding. As its common name implies, the upside-down catfish will swim upside-down. To provide upside-down catfish with a complete diet, they should be fed a high-quality fish food, along with live or frozen food, and blanched vegetables. For breeding you will need a tank from 50 liters capacity with various shelters and floating tank plants. Choose from tetras, guppies, platies, barbs, cichlids, discus, catfish, plecos and many more tropical fish. Unlike most of representatives of the kind Synodontis nigriventris usually feeds upside-down near water surface. It will erect its spines and become lodged in the eaters throat. You may put some tank plants into it, though larger fishes may damage them and in this case it’s better to use large plants with coarse leaves. Upside down cats love to scavenge for food on the underside of your plants and decor. Pictus Catfish Habitat and Tank Requirements. Look it up yourself. It is one of the most peaceful representatives of its kind. Many fish are shoaling fish, best kept in schools of 10 or more. Also, as these fishes like to hide during the day, having caves in your tank is highly recommended. The fish very seldom spawns in a tank, that’s why to trigger the spawning process hormones injections are used. Peaceful with both its conspecifics and other residents. They can happily dwell with other peaceful fishes. Recommended Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 20 gallon / 80 litre Compatibility: Peaceful, but will eat very small fish. Re: Upside down catfish and kenyi cichlid compatibility? Upside Down Catfish have a large dorsal fin, an adipose fin, and a forked tail. The Upside Down Catfish, shown above, is swimming around the aquarium upside down. Yup!!!!! ... can't go wrong with neons, you can go wrong with upside-down catfish that get real big and eat the neons. Their diet consists of some meat-based food, detritus and algae. Ellphea Mostly New … The lifespan is 7-9 years. Colouration varies and pales as the fish ages, but it is generally a dark grey with is blotched in various shades of grey and pale cream, occasionally appearing as vertical uneven bands on the flanks. Birthplace of Pimelodus pictus is in South America. Distribution. Aquarium Tropical Fish - Galleries. You have to remember that these fish are susceptible to nitrates, which is why it is imperative that you maintain a healthy water balance. The Upside-Down Catfish resides in riverbanks which have dense vegetation. For a fully grown-up fish, you need an aquarium which is at least 30 gallons in size equipped with 30 inch aquarium hood. Upside Down Catfish. As the chances of reproduction within a tank are very less, aquarists use hormone injections to induce the spawning process. Still have questions? I'm wondering if my several cory catfish and my three upside down catfish would be compatible with a starry night pleco. To avoid all the above mentioned it is recommended to use some plastic container to catch the fish. Not to be trusted with smaller fish as they will undoubtedly be eaten. Their body is dark brown with a few isolated small spots, adults have a dorsal fin in which each ray extends into long filaments that looks like a feather, giving it the common name of Featherfin Syno. Maintenance. Upside Down Catfish - Profile Scientific Name: Synodontis nigriventris catfish filtration mystery-snails oscars setup. Beginners guide to tropical fish compatibility, tropical aquarium fish care, species profiles and tropical fish picture galleries. Angelicus Catfish are in fact a separate species of upside-down catfish and tend to have much shorter barbels. Synodontis Cat. I have not had any problems with any aggression out of any of the "sharks" And now the red fins, Gouramis in with the sharks a spotted catfish, pleco, upside down catfish, long … At that it hides so good, that you can find it only after looking almost all over the tank. They will be fine in planted tanks but the choice is yours, the key aspect is to make sure that the lighting is not too bright, this can make them unsettled and hide away a lot. The Upside-Down Catfish was given the binomial names due to their jaw formation and dark stomach colouration. Like some members of the African catfish genus Synodontis, this species spends the vast majority of it’s time swimming in an inverted position. Overview: The Mochokidae are a family of catfishes (order Siluriformes) that are known as the squeakers and upside-down catfish. 4 years ago. Upside-down catfish (lat. Compatible. However, through the years he’s had experience of keeping almost all types of freshwater fish and shrimps. 1 0. Add plants, driftwood and rock to the tank to provide hiding places. Related Articles: Catfishes, Sucker mouth Cats/Loricariids, ... now about 7 inches long, and 3 upside-down catfish. The dorsal fins of these fish are average in size and fan backward in a shell-like shape. They should be fine together! Asian Upside Down Catfish. Re: Upside down catfish and kenyi cichlid compatibility? It is known that catfish becomes active in the evening or at night, it spends the day in shelters and especially likes hiding in empty objects. The average adult in an aquarium is 6-8 inches and in the wild the average adult can reach 12 inches. Suggested Tankmates: Any small to medium sized community fish. Join. I have a 55 gallon tank. These are all to provide shady places of rest while upside down. What can you feed to your Upside-Down Catfish? will also ensure that your fishes will not engage in fights. Moreover, S. nigrita grows far larger than S. nigriventris and it is a common sight to see several adult specimens in shops that … I feed my cories and kuhli loaches hikari sinking wafers and bloodworms but i haven't seen the UD catfish eat any yet, even though they swim right over them. Like their well-known relatives, the Upside-Down Catfish Synodontis nigriventris, the featherfin can swim upside down at will. It inhabits rivers. Also, as it has a spotted appearance, the fish is called as blotched upside-down catfish. They often live for many years. The Synodontis Brichardi Catfish is an omnivore and should be offered sinking catfish pellets, spirulina pellets, algae wafers, thawed / frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, plus a good quality flake food. Typically, the dorsal side of the fishes is darker than the ventral side so that they can hide from the predators. Avoid slow moving fish. The usual cause of impaired buoyancy is a malfunction in the shark’s swim bladder. Young catfish swim with their abdomen down like most of other fishes, they start swimming upside-down only in two months after their birth. Moreover, S. nigrita grows far larger than S. nigriventris and it is a common sight to see several adult specimens in shops that … The thing is that it spreads its fins with spines wide and gets stuck in the dip net, but if you carefully put it together with the net into another volume, it will easily unhook and swim away. Do not keep with fish that are large enough to attempt eating it. Inlandaquatics.com only provides general information and does not intend to provide veterinary advice. Upside Down Catfish+African Leafs in one tank. Over hanging structures or tunnels - either rock, wood or large broad leafed plants. These plecos grow to about 4 inches, which is why I've selected it. Studies of gravitation influence on this catfish showed that it has a high ability to keep its body upside-down and the gravitation is more likely to help it and this indicates that the fish controls its body position in the way that differs from other fishes. The ideal water temperature should be around 27 degree Celsius with a pH of about 7. As always, we recommend your aquarium should as closely as possible match the natural conditions of your species. Excellent option with other catfish such as Otocinclus, Upside Down Cats and Plecostomus: OK for Planted Tanks? 01-09-2012, 01:08 PM. The juveniles start to swim on the 4th day of their life and at first they swim in a usual way, as all fishes do. The dorsal is of triangular shape and has a large first ray; the fish has large fatty fin. These entertaining fellows are one of my favorite species for planted tanks over 20-gallons. Link to our aquarium tropical fish galleries for pictures on all types of freshwater tropical fish. As in the natural habitat, the Upside-Down Catfish dwells on the underside of the logs and under large leaves of plants because when it swims in the upside down position, such areas become easy to access.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inlandaquatics_com-box-3-0')}; The Upside-Down Catfish was given the binomial names due to their jaw formation and dark stomach colouration. It is also known as the blotched upside-down catfish because of its spotted appearance. Iridescent Shark swimming upside down. I'm considering Upside Down Catfish now for my tank, but I am also looking at some Dwarf Shrimp. The average adult is 12 inches. The males grow up to 6 cm (2,36 in) long, the females are up to 9,6 cm (3.8 in). While illegal to cultivate in many areas, mosquito larvae remain the preferred food. Don't just go by what the pet store guy has to say about a fish's compatibility. Your fish will remain healthy if the water is well-oxygenated and changed regularly. Similar to other Catfish breeds, the Upside-Down Catfish also like to hide during the day time and gets active at night. The males grow up to 6 cm (2,36 in) long, the females are up to 9,6 cm (3.8 in). Pictus catfish+marble/silver hatchetfish+ Angelfish in one tank. If you can mix and match in tank … The distinctive feature of the family representatives is that they swim upside-down which is quite normal for them. To have a clear view of their night activities, you can get an appropriate light for the tank. You need to renew the water and provide proper filtration regularly to ensure good health for your fish. Single. This way, these fish become efficient algae controllers for planted aquariums. Similar to other members of the Mochikidae family, the Upside-Down Catfish too have a scaleless body, a big adipose fin, huge eyes, a forked tail, and three barbel pairs. Compatibility: Does best with larger tank mates of a similar size, but gets along with a broad assortment of community fish such as large Danios, Tetras, Gourami, Barbs, and Rainbow Sharks. The species exist from centuries, and you can find their images in many ancient Egyptian tomb walls dated thousands of years back. The fish shows the best behaviour when kept in groups in an aquarium. In the tank, the fish will lay eggs either on the substrate in a depression or in small caves. Additionally they are one Syno that is prone to being picked on. Due to their dark colouration, they blend so well in an aquarium filled with logs that it makes them invisible when they are either moving or resting around in the tank. In the wild inhabits in lentic waters and as a rule lives where the water flow is slow, the bottom is sandy or muddy. 4 years ago. Juveniles usually lack the distinctive dorsal fin extensions and are often misidentified with Synodontis nigriventris, another upside down catfish species.. As they mature past 4 inches in length, their distinctive long flowing fins and delicately spotted body makes identification clear. The upside down catfish is classed as a peaceful species so are suitable for a community set up but do not keep these with aggressive species or they may become timid and shy, hiding away a lot in the daytime when the other tank mates are more active. They are frequently … Sand or pebbles are good bottom substrate for such a tank. It is quite difficult to catch this catfish with a dip net and it is even harder to get it out of the latter safe and sound. Such a distinctive feature appeared because almost 90% of its time spends swimming upside-down. The Mochokidae are a family of catfishes (order Siluriformes) that are known as the squeakers and upside-down catfish. Aquarium Compatibility . There are quite a lot of special scientific studies devoted to the fish swimming peculiarities. There are 10 genera and about 188 species of mochokids here I will just deal with the most popular genera, the Synodontis catfish. The alteration in the temperature of water and pH likely to initiate spawning. The fish can dwell together with majority of not aggressive species, but not with predators. If you are lucky enough to be able to breed the fish in an aquarium, then your female Upside-Down Fish will lay a maximum of 450 eggs at a time. The approximate age of sexual maturity of the Upside-Down Catfish is still not sure, however, a few aquarists who have been fortunate to get success in their breeding stated that these fish become reproductive at the age of 3 years. If you suddenly wake up to your iridescent shark catfish swimming upside down, it means it has a problem with buoyancy. The body is short and a bit flattened from sides. These fish are omnivores so that you can feed your fish with any food from dry to frozen ones. Matt hook has been a passionate aquarist since he was 5 and now he is professional aquarist. However, if trained, they can perform barrel rolls and acrobatics as well. reply #3. Just make sure your tank is big enough for all of them! Maybe not for the Oscar they grow 2 and a half foot. Will mostly be found upside-down in the tank, has several barbels and a high back. 732 732. Upside-Down Catfish are best kept in schools with three or more of their own species and prefer densely planted tanks -- these fish are particularly fond of broad-leaved plants such as Amazon swords. Having a lot of hiding pace and shelters, including castles, snags, etc. Compatibility: An ideal catfish for the smaller aquarium. Ensure that heaters are covered with heater guards to prevent these catfish from being burned when looking for dark crevices to rest against. They are Becoming more popular as availability increases, the Synodontis are an interesting addition to any aquaria. Joined Aug 16, 2011 Messages 548 Reaction score 0 Location GB. Africa; Lace catfish are found in the Senegal and many other African countries including Egypt, Nigeria, Ghana ans Sudan where they inhabit small ponds or other small areas of water. The suitable aquarium mates for your Upside-Down Catfish. They are called squeakers because they produce a squeaking sound as a warning to both predators and competitors during spawning time. and peacock eel? Don't waste your money and endanger your fish! Compatibility: An ideal catfish for the smaller aquarium. The females have large in comparison to their male counterparts and appear paler in colour. These help them feel their way around murky waters. Burmese Upside Down Catfish (Mystus leucophasus) Origin: Wild Myanmar Diet: Scavenger, feeds on invertebrates and crustaceans in the wild. The catfish feeds mainly at night. Choice of substrate is unimportant. The body of the fish is quite neutral when it comes to coloration. There are 10 genera and about 188 species of mochokids here I will just deal with the most popular genera, the Synodontis catfish. The female lays about 450 eggs. I have a balanced 10 gallon tank, I've been keeping midnight catfish in it, but the second to last one recently died, presumably of old age because I had it several years. While they can swim upright, they often prefer to stay inverted. The body coloring is greige with black-brown spots scattered over the body and fins. Therefore, within a tank, it is recommended to induce water change by adding cold water, which can start the breeding. Talking about things that are out of the ordinary, the Upside-Down Catfish is a fish that is guaranteed to turn some heads, but not necessarily for its beauty. Also, as their barbells are very sensitive, you should avoid any sharp object in your aquarium.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inlandaquatics_com-leader-1-0')};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inlandaquatics_com-leader-1-0_1')}; .leader-1-multi-110{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;text-align:center !important;}. Will accept frozen and prepared foods in the aquarium. Synodontis eupterus is an upside-down species. Upside Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) Image Source: commons.wikimedia.org. If you’re looking for something completely “upside down” for your tank, this Catfish species can be a fun addition to your community aquarium. Especially at night, your Upside-Down Catfish can fight with species of its kind and prey on smaller fishes, so it is better to only house identical sized species in an aquarium. They spend up to 90% of time swimming this way. The body coloring is greige with black-brown spots scattered over the body and fins. I have a balanced 10 gallon tank, I've been keeping midnight catfish in it, but the second to last one recently died, presumably of old age because I had it several years. The Botia also like to hide in rocks and caves and they are bottom feeders, hence they will keep away from African Cichlids for most of the time. These are all mature, good sized fish (range 3-7”). As you’ve probably guessed from their name, Upside Down Catfish spend a lot of their time swimming…well, upside down. Peaceful with both its conspecifics and other residents. Hailing from Lake Tanganyika, their required water pH range matches that of most other rift lake species. As these fish tend to swim upside down, their underside has a darker colour, which usually is not the case with other fish. answer #2. The tank has been cycled and I've begun to stock the tank, so far I have 3 bronze corys, 1 albino cory, 2 upside down catfish and 7 harlequin Rasboras. So, a well-planted aquarium with best refugium light with lots of driftwood, rocks, and decorations can keep your fish happy and active. Cascade 1000 Canister Filter Review – Inlandaquatics, Best 11 Filters for Turtle Tanks 2020 – Expert Reviews. Considered as one of the most peaceful members of their genus, the Upside-Down Catfish can be housed with most of the other similar temperament species but should never be grouped with aggressive fish.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inlandaquatics_com-box-4-0')}; They mostly dwell in the lower part of the tank and occasionally swim to the surface for a gulp of air or if there is no food anywhere else in the aquarium. Since fish doesn’t have coarse scales and its barbels are very sensitive, there shouldn’t be any sharp objects in a tank where the fish dwells. Excellent option with other catfish such as Otocinclus, Upside Down Cats and Plecostomus The fish shows the best behaviour when kept in groups in an aquarium. If kept with other fish, large Cichlids or Barbs such as the "Tinfoil Barb" would be better company. They also feed on the algae which form on the plants and decorations in a tank. Trending Questions. Tropical Fish compatibility and Tank Mate checker. Sometimes this fish is called the false upside down catfish. Rarely bred in the aquarium. 1 0. somebody. Fish compatibility. Compatible. Any aggressive fish may attempt to eat these small fishes, and the sharp fins can get stuck in the eater’s throat. If you put enough of shelters into the tank, you don’t have to worry about the fights. Trending Questions. The last remaining fishes I dont know where to put are: ~Black ghost knife?Puffer fish? The Upside Down Catfish is compatible with other synodontis catfish, Gouramis, Bettas, Silver Hatchetfish, some Tetras, some Cichlids, Loaches, Plecos. But upside-down catfish will also accept frozen brine shrimp, blood worms, and blackworms. Feel free to contact him if you have any queries. Also there is information that the fish was encountered in Kouilou Department of the Republic of the Congo. The cat fish sharks that are supposed to get bigger than the bala sharks are in with fancy goldfish. Click here for more details about buying Upside Down Catfish and other wild fish from us. Breeding Raphael Cat. Aquarium SizeTop ↑ 48″ x 24″ x 24″ (120cm x 60cm x 60cm) – 430 litres. Even though the temperature is not a critical factor, but the Upside-Down Catfish does well when housed in a tank with a water temperature between 72 to 82 degrees Celsius. They have rather long barbels that protrude from the front of their mouth and are angled slightly forward. It is spread over Amazon and Orinoco rivers within Peru and Columbia. Single. Water filtration, aeration and weekly water renew (1/3 from total tank volume) are also required. Synodontis nigriventris in general is a peaceful and calm fish, but it may show territory dependence and fight with the species of its kind and eat small tank dwellers, whose size allows to eat them. Synodontis nigriventris) belongs to Mochokidae family. Tank water parameters should be the following: temperature 24—27;°C, pH about 7, hardness dH about 10°. Bagridae. As such, you need to react immediately and start treatment on time. I have three upside down catfish (the real ones) and I'm just wondering if they'll eat cherry shrimp or not? The body is short and a bit flattened from sides. Ask Question + 100. The general theory that goes with this behaviour is that the fish uses this kind of swimming posture to find food quickly. A few of my (bravest) upside-down catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) having breakfast. Will eat smaller fish and may spar with conspecifics. There are indications that there might be some degree of parental care of the eggs. Sergey is a founder and author of Meethepet.com. It is often seen for sale at only a couple of inches in length and may be confused with the popular (and much smaller) Synodontis nigriventris.It can easily be distinguished from this species by its patterning. These entertaining fellows are one of my favorite species for planted tanks over 20-gallons. Upside Down Catfish. Published August 6, 2019 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Upside Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) is an interesting catfish that starts swimming upside down at around two months of age. Would I be able to keep featherfin catfish (S. eupterus) and upside down catfish (S. nigriventis) together in a 55 gallon mbuna cichlid tank? Your fish would appreciate a tank which is densely vegetated areas as they prefer to dwell in the underside of leaves. The back is more gibbose, than the abdomen; the eyes are large, the inferior mouth has three pairs of barbels, the tail fin is bilobular. Sexual dimorphism is feebly marked: the female has more spots on its body, the male is smaller and thinner than the female. Breeding/Propagation . Get your answers by asking now. It should be decorated with a good amount of bogwood, rocky caves/PVC tubes, and robust planting to provide shady areas, but you should also ensure that a roomy swimming space is left along the front of the tank. Hi I'm new to the hobby andd havee just got my first tank for my birthday, its 180litres. He’s been fond of aquarium husbandry since his early childhood. The Red Tail Shark is a very beautiful, sleek fish. Habitat. Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:39 am Synodontis nigriventris is a soft water catfish, that doesn't typically do well in the harder water we keep Malawians in. All external sources referred to from website are without warranty of accuracy and reliability. Also, as it has a spotted appearance, the fish is called as blotched upside-down catfish. Avoid keeping it with large predatory fish: Large predatory fish will attempt eating Upside-Down Catfish, however, the fish can get lodged in the eater’s throat because the Upside-Down Catfish will erect its spines when sensing danger. The fish can be kept in small schools which should be maintained in a group of a minimum of four fishes. A very good aquarium fish. If you suddenly wake up to your iridescent shark catfish swimming upside down, it means it has a problem with buoyancy. This catfish is more active during the night, this is when it goes to swim and look for food. They are an extremely popular species that apparently have been admired for countless centuries. Compatibility: Will need a large tank if keeping a few as they are territorial. These fins may be flattened while your fish is swimming through the water. The back is more gibbose, than the abdomen; the eyes are large, the inferior mouth has three pairs of barbels, the tail fin is bilobular. It was artificially introduced to Philippines. The fish is spread in the midstream of Knogo river basin including Pool Malebo, Kasai River and Ubangi River. Aquas. catfish4ever Fishaholic. Some others, such as Siamese fighters, are loners, best kept alone. One Male & Two Females. I'd really like to be stocking it with a few Upside-Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) but am concerned that they might be aggressive around some of the other timid schooling fish I'm thinking of, namely a school of about 9 Diamond Tetras. In the wild it basically feeds on insects (fallen on the water surface), crustaceans and plant food. 12″ (30cm). One theory accounts for this unusual behavior as a feeding strategy. Iridescent Shark swimming upside down. By keeping your fishes in a school, you can give them the confidence to come out of hiding. The ideal Upside-Down Catfish tank mates can be:if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inlandaquatics_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')}; The Upside-Down Catfish are beautiful fishes which certainly make an excellent addition to any aquarium which has other peaceful species. Tropical Fish compatibility and Tank Mate checker. They have been living together for a couple of years with me and some amount of time before I acquired them. External canister filtration is recommended, as these fish are voracious eaters and can produce a fair amount of waste. Swimming probably developed due to the nocturnal habits of the fish. Yes! Unlike other fishes who have their back darker than the abdomen (which is necessary to protect the fish from aggression of other fishes or birds), the catfish have darker abdomen and a bit lighter colored back. Later, after a period of approximately 50 days, the fry will swim in the typical upside-down posture.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inlandaquatics_com-large-leaderboard-2-0')}; In a well-equipped aquarium, you will find it extremely easy to take care of your Upside-Down Catfish. In the wild, it often grazes on the undersides of submerged branches and logs, and swimming upside-down makes these areas more accessible.
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