Quick View. The Synodontis Eupterus Catfish is also known as the Featherfin Squeaker and is from the rivers and lakes of Africa. Angel Catfish or Angelicus Cat (Synodontis angelicus) S. angelicus is probably the rarest catfish on this list and has an unforgettably beautiful appearance. Synodontis angelicus cat 1.25″in length. Upside-Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) $9.99. Saved by Hannah Schmidt. It is especially hard to work with hybrid species. It prefers a current in the tank. Sale Pending: Aulonocara "Clown Ruby Red" (The last of my breeders, selectively bred for red color for many years) 3.5" 70.00 pair: 8 Sale Pending: Copadiochromis azureus OB (breeding group of 1 OB male, 2 OB females, 5 standard females. The Synodontis Angelicus Catfish (Synodontis angelicus) is a species of upside-down catfish that tropical fish keeping enthusiasts also refer to as the Angel Catfish, Angelicus Cat, Black Clown Catfish, Polka-dot African catfish or Angel Squeaker.. One of the most popular and commonly seen Synos in the hobby, S. eupterus is usually offered for sale as a small (1-3″) juvenile with no information regarding its potential size. The Synodontis Angelicus Catfish is nocturnal, and should be fed in the evening. NotesTop ↑. Upside Down Catfish ---- Synodontis nigriventris, the blotched upside-down catfish, is a species of upside-down catfish native to the Congo Basin of Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo. Synodontis soloni 4-5”in length. The genus Synodontis sports three pairs of barbels 1pair: maxillary, 1 pair: outer mandibular and one pair of inner mandibular barbels that are branched (filaments). Remarks: Synodontis multipunctatus are often called Cuckoo Catfish, which refers to the group of Cuckoo Birds that reproduce in a rather unusual manner. However you see it, Synodontis Angelicus X Eupterus Hybrid will leave and indelible mark in your memory. synodontis catfish for sale Clear all. $8.98. Comments: These are catfish that we rarely see in the live fish stores or in the online stores that we visit. the OB male breeds with standard females which produces 50/50 OB's and standards) 4" 150.00 group: 25 The synodontis species for sale on BreedCichlids.com are from Lake Tanganyika. Posted on July 18, 2019 April 11, 2020 by achmad. Brachyplatystomas flavicans (dorado catfish) $ 75.00 Add to cart; Yellow xanthic catfish short body $ 799.99 Add to cart; Megalodoras Irwini ripsaw catfish 3ft fish tank with wood stand, small internal pump and light. It prefers a current in the aquarium. There are only three species that have filaments on their maxillary barbels as well as the mandibular, and they are, S. … Hybrid zebra synodontis catfish in 90 gallon african cichlid community tank. As a digger, the Synodontis Angelicus Catfish will appreciate a fine sandy bottom with large roots and crevices for hiding places in a tank of 50 gallons or more. Category: Catfish. Synodontis angelicus occurs naturally in the Malebo (Stanley) Pool area of Zaire. To stimulate the reproduction process, breeders have to inject hormonal drugs into their pets. Below is a list of aquarium catfish we have for sale (see separate list for L-Number plecs / suckermouth catfish) - however, due to our quick stock turnover, we still recommend phoning/emailing first if you will be travelling to visit us for a certain species! 1 - 5 of 5 items The Synodontis Angelicus Catfish is an insectivore and also requires algae in its diet. Synodontis catfish make up the family of catfish known as Mochokidae. Cichlids for Sale Online | Online Tropical Fish Store Just Cichlids offers all things related to cichlids including live cichlid fish, cichlid food, cichlid books and much more. One of my top five favorite fish. Milperra, NSW. Since this catfish is a digger, a fine sandy bottom with large roots and crevices for hiding places would be an ideal environment for them. Colour varies with populations so we find those which have dull grey bodies speckled with white spots to those whose bodies are a brilliant jet black and adorned with spots of the brightest yellow. 3ft tank with stand and fish for sale. EXOTIC TROPICAL FISH FOR SALE (22) AQUARIUM PLANTS FOR SALE (24) SPECIAL ORDER FISH FOR SALE-> (88) AQUARIUM SUPPLIES FOR SALE-> (37) Information: Shipping Reviews ... Catfish - Synodontis Angelicus - 3-4 inch: $74.95 $39.95: These are somewhat rare and very hard to … Synodontis soloni $ 59.99. The birds lay their eggs in the nests of other species, letting them rear the eggs and expend their energy in … It is a member of the naked catfish group. These young fish are often sold as Synodontis “Network” due to their attractive reticulated patterning. Synodontis Angelicus x Eupterus LRG Synodontis Lucipinnis Synodontis Arbiliniata Synodontis Eupterus Synodontis Waterloti Synodontis Contractus Synodontis Multipunctatus ... Angelicus Botia Tiger Botia Golden Zebra Loach Yo-Yo Loach Burmese Rosy Loach Dojo Loach Gold Dojo Loach Albino Dojo Loach Clown Loach SML Clown Loach MED Out of stock. EXOTIC TROPICAL FISH FOR SALE (20) AQUARIUM PLANTS FOR SALE (24) SPECIAL ORDER FISH FOR SALE-> (88) AQUARIUM SUPPLIES FOR SALE-> (37) Information: Shipping Reviews ... Catfish - Synodontis Angelicus - 4-5 inch: $99.95 $64.95: These are somewhat rare and very hard to get. The body colours of Synodontis caudalis (forked caudal lacking in robertsi) and certain colour variants of Synodontis schoutedeni (smaller eyes and more yellow colour in body) also lead to these two species occasionally offered for sale as robertsi. Synodontis angelicus catfish $ 59.99. The only exception is the Cuckoo Catfish. Its color pattern was such a sensation that the name “angelicus” became associated with it and is sometimes applied to other polka dotted species; for example, Botia kubotai was originally called the angelicus loach. Categories: African cichlids, Catfish, Freshwater fish, Oddball Community Fish, Oddball Semi aggressive. Synodontis Angelicus: Great Catfish for an African Cichlid Biotope. This fish originates from the Congo River, and accordingly does best in soft water with lots of plants (but can do well in a wide range of pH: 6.0-8.0). Sensitive to nitrates, good water conditions are necessary. As diggers, Synodontis catfish will appreciate a fine sandy bottom with large roots and crevices for hiding places in a tank of 50 gallons or more. Synodontis Lace Catfish .. Synodontis sp. Out of stock. Out of stock. Synodontis Catfish To place an order call 386-253-0054 or send an email to: daytonaaquarium@hotmail.com If you dont see it on our list, just ask we may have it in stock. Some people regard synodontis as being rabid killers, but if kept with larger cichlids, they do quite well. The Synodontis Angelicus Catfish is mainly referred to as the Angel Catfish and has a very peaceful attitude. Our Synodontis Angelicus is … Avoid blue algae. Red Fish Blue Fish One Fish Two Fish Aquascaping Upside Down Catfish Pleco Fish Aquarium Catfish Plecostomus Salt Water Fish Cool Fish. $5.99. This catfish hails from Zaire:Cameroons, the Congo Basin, Malebo Pool and Mousembe areas of Africa. The Synodontis Decorus Catfish, also known as the Decorus Catfish or Decorated Synodontis, is known scientifically as Synodontis decorus, S. vittatus, and S. labeo.
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