Three parts of the cactus are edible, the pads, flower, and fruit. Dawson, and J.J. Rochow. Yes, we do have a native cactus in Michigan. Rare Plant Field Survey Guidelines. New York Botanical Garden, Bronx. Many of the plants on this list was obtained from: Home Gardening and, Cactus and other succulent species that are cold and moisture tolerant:Plants that have an * (or are linked) are on the mail order listAgave havardiana- average cold resistance (-20C, -4F)Agave lechuguilla- average cold resistance (-20C, -4F) *Agave Neomexicana (Mescal Agave) to +05F *Agave parryi *- average cold resistance (-20C, -4F), maybe even -30C, -20F- better resistance to rain than most AgavesAgave tomeyana- average cold resistance (-15C, 5F)Agave Utahensis- average cold resistance (-20C, -4F), maybe even -29C, -20FAgave utahensis var. Haw. There are more hybrids that looks quite a lot like this one but which do not have such large … Scientific Name and Common Name. Global Rank: G5 - Secure opuntia fragilis in a sentence - Use "opuntia fragilis" in a sentence 1. Rank. 2003. Plantae – Plants. T.M. The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx. Details. Fragile prickly-pear is found on steep, south facing exposed slopes of granitic bedrock. Opuntia fragilis is a small, northern species of cactus, growing almost as far north as the Arctic Circle. OP111: Opuntia fragilis 'Tiny Michigan Form' COLD HARDY CACTUS. Survey Period: From first week of July to first week of August, About the Natural Community Classification. State Status: E - Endangered (legally protected) Measuring and Monitoring Plant Populations. For each species, lists of natural communities were derived from review of the nearly 6,500 element occurrences in the MNFI database, in addition to herbarium label data for some taxa. Kelly's had this little gem on the stock plant table for years. Illustrations of the vascular plants of Northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. 174pp. What is Opuntia fragilis? missouriensis)- same as Mammillaria missouriensis, Coryphantha missouriensis- one of the most hardy cacti- grows up to the border of Canada- survives even in Scandinavia, Northern EuropeEscobaria vivipara (var. In many cases, the general habitat descriptions should provide greater clarity and direction to the surveyor. Rare Plant Surveys: Techniques For Impact Assessment. it was found by Claude Barr near the city of Smithwick South Dakota. nevadensis- average cold resistance (-20C, -4F)ALOESCoryphanta Macromeris (Flabby Pincushion) to +10F *Echinocactus Horizonthalonius var. Dicots (Saururaceae-Cornaceae). 90/100 Opuntia fragilis, known by the common names brittle pricklypear and little prickly pear, is a prickly pear cactus native to much of western North America as … OP111: Opuntia fragilis 'Tiny Michigan … Exposure: Full sun. Opuntia fragilis makes its home from British Columbia. Other synonyms include: Tunas fragilis & Opuntia fragilis ssp. California Native Plant Society, Berkeley. In: J.P. Smith and R. York. is a small, cold-hardy prickly pear. This Cactus species is the most Northern found of all cacti. This species is protected in its sole western Upper Peninsula locality, where surveys may reveal additional populations. State Rank: S1 - Critically imperiled. BLM Technical Reference 1730-1. columbiana is the northest speciesOpuntia fragilis (Fragile Prickly Pear)- average moisture resistance but rain is not a problem- very good cold resistance (-34C, -30F), rumours about -60C, -75F- light shade preferred- var. California Native Plant Society, Sacramento. Moelleri to +10F *Echinocereus Coccineus (Mexican Claret Cup) *Echinocereus Dasyacanthus (Texas Rainbow Hedgehog) to 10F *Echinocereus Fendleri var. humifusa- grows near the border of Canada and USAOpuntia imbricata (Tree Cholla, Devils Rope)- good cold resistance (-29C, -20F)- good moisture and rain resistanceOpuntia mackensiiOpuntia Violacea var. Random meander search covers areas that appear likely to have rare taxa, based on habitat and the judgment of the investigator. Thriving on Huron Mountain in Marquette Co. on sunny rock surfaces; in Ogemaw Co. of uncertain status on a hill east of St. Helen (where collected in 1967, MSC). The range extends as far south as Texas and as far east as Ontario and Michigan. 1998. Local occurrence . Opuntia. Sun or shade. No guarantees for thislot, however. 2. 1982. var. robustior- good cold resistancePediocactus simpsonii var. Zones: 8-11. In future versions of the Rare Species Explorer, we hope to incorporate natural community fidelity ranks for each taxon. 724pp. Each pad is under 12 in length and width often under 14 with a slightly blue cap and not many spines. fragilis. US Status: No Status/Not Listed 559pp. In some literature it's by mistake stated that it's a hybrid between Opuntia fragilis and Opuntia humifusa. A collection from an excessively dry, sandy hill in northern Lower Michigan has led to numerous surveys in that area, but the species has never again been found in the state outside of the Upper Peninsula. Geographic subdivisions for Opuntia fragilis: w CaRH (Shasta Valley, Siskiyou Co.) MAP CONTROLS 1. Nelson, J.R. 1984. This genus and species is native to Michigan, but is known only to exist in one large population. Holmgren, N.H. 1998. fragilis grows in the most southern parts of Canada and even reports of growing in British Columbia near the Arctic Circle!- description in Northern Prairie Wildlife RCOpuntia gilvescensOpuntia humifusa (Eastern Prickly Pear)- very good cold resistance (at least -34C, -30F)- resistant to moisture and rain- tolerates light shadeOpuntia humifusa var. You can change the display of the base map and layers by clicking on the layer control box in the upper right-hand corner. These specimens are from nurseries and/or gardeners of other locales, however. Ideal for the crevice rock garden, dish garden or trough. Cactus and Succulent Journal features articles about cacti and other succulent plants and is meant for professionals and hobbyists alike. Gray's Manual of Botany; eighth ed. Nelson, J.R. 1987. 937pp. 1950. Oxford University Press, New York. Opuntia fragilis, known by the common names brittle pricklypear and little prickly pear, is a prickly pear cactus native to much of western North America as well as some midwestern states such as Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan. tall, 12–18 in. T.S. camanchica- resistant to moisture and rain- good cold resistance (-29C, -20F)*Opuntia phaeacantha var. wide: Sun Exposure Full sun: Soil Type Sandy, well-drained: Soil pH Neutral to acidic: Bloom Time Summer: Flower Color Yellow: Hardiness Zones 4–9 (USDA) Native Area North America: Toxicity Non-toxic Opuntia fragilis, known by the common names brittle pricklypear and little prickly pear, is a prickly pear cactus native to much of western North America as well as some eastern states such as Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan. Flora of the Great Plains. The plants are practically indestructible and if uprooted will survive many days of desiccation in hot sun before transplantation and recovery. Plains Prickly Pear (Opuntia macrorhiza) has larger and more numerous flowers and much larger, broader, flattened pads that do not easily detach, with up to 6 spines per areole. Los cladodios de la Opuntia fragilis se separan muy fácilmente y se unen a los animales (y las manos y los dedos). Wildflowers of Michigan field guide By Stan Tekiela; ... (Opuntia fragilis) The cactus seems to grow yellow, and sometimes melon colored flowers in early summer.[240:OFIM]2.0.CO;2 … All rights reserved. Volume 4: Magnoliophyta: Caryophyllidae, part 1. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report. Illustrated Companion to Gleason and Cronquist's Manual. ""'Opuntia fragilis " "', known by the common names "'brittle pricklypear "'and "'little prickly pear "', is a prickly pear cactus native to much of western North America as well as some eastern states such as Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan. Opuntia compressa: Common Name Prickly pear, Eastern prickly pear, devil's tongue: Plant Type Cactus: Mature Size 6–12 in. The species we sell has a native range on the western side of the lower peninsula, mostly within 50 miles of the lakeshore. 477pp. Ed. Zone 3. Voss, E. G. 1985. Prickly pear cactus seems to prefer well drained, sandy soil. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence. Gleason, H. A., and A. Cronquist. Data may not reflect true distribution since much of the state has not been thoroughly surveyed. It primarily requires maintenance of its open, rocky outcrop habitat. It is known from farther north than any other cactus, occurring near the Arctic Circle in Alberta. For the most part, the most commonly grown cacti in the area are the pad or prickly pears. Eric Ribbens and Alicia Giesler "Opuntia fragilis in Michigan," Cactus and Succulent Journal 80(5), 240-255, (1 September 2008). It is known from farther north than any other cactus, occurring at as far as 56°N latitude in British Columbia. Bloom time: June-July. Flora of North America, North of Mexico. Opuntia fragilis from/de Minnesota. It also occurs in several Canadian provinces. A collection from an excessively dry, sandy hill in northern Lower Michigan has led to numerous surveys in that area, but the species has never again been found in the state outside of the Upper Peninsula. An easily recognized genus, with jointed or segmented and branching stems, usually strongly flattened. Willoughby. It is found throughout parts of the West and the northern Midwest. This form from a population in its far northeastern range indeed Michigan was found in wind-exposed outcrops or in mats in the mosses and lichens. Grows in Sun. Opuntia fragilis (Nutt.) simpsonii- good cold resistancePediocactus spp.- average moisture resistance- good cold resistanceSclerocactus spp.- average moisture resistance- good cold resistanceTrichocereus Pachanoi (San Pedro) can survive to +10 F (for short durations) **Yucca filamentosa Adam's Needle Yucca- good cold resistance (-29C, -20F)- easy to grow, tolerates light shade*Yucca glauca- good cold resistance (-29C, -20F)- grows in southern Alberta, Canada. Nelson, J.R. 1986. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. Height/Spread: 3 to 4 feet wide, 4 to 5 feet tall . 8pp. Inventory of rare and endangered vascular plants of California. This little prickly pear is best in bright light and quite water tolerant. Opuntia fragilis (Nutt.) all the way east to Michigan, and as far south as Texas. Natural Areas Journal 5(3):18-30. 2. Opuntia are the most cold-tolerant of the lowland cacti, extending into northern Canada; one subspecies, Opuntia fragilis var. Fragile prickly pear is fragile in the sense that the cladodes readily detach from the plant and travel with animals and humans. Michigan Flora. Opuntia fragilis is a prickly pear cactus known by the common names brittle prickly pear and little prickly pear native to much of North America. 1632pp. The tiny pads are generally less than an inch across and the little yellow flowers appear sparsely in June. We have it in 2.5" pots and they are adorable but "fragile" (brittle) as the name would suggest. Red oak, white pine, bearberry, ground juniper, rusty woodsia, pale corydalis, wild rose, bastard toadflax, sand clubmoss, smooth sumac, pink corydalis, and maidenhair spleenwort. Kingdom. Opuntias have been omitted.Acanthocalycium glaucumAcanthocalycium griseumAcanthocalycium klimpelianumAcanthocalycium peitscherianumAcanthocalycium spiniflorumAcanthocalycium thionanthaAcanthocalycium violaceumAstrphytum capricorne and var niveumAstrophytum senile and var aureumCereus peruvianusCoryphantha lauiiCoryphantha macromerisCoryphantha maiz-tabulaensisCoryphantha muehlenfordiiCoryphantha palmeriCoryphantha poselgerianaCoryphantha recurvataCoryphantha sheerii and varsCoryphantha sulcataCoryphantha vivpara and varsDenmoza rhodacanthaEchinocactus horizonthaloniusEchinocactus setispinusEchinocactus texensisEchinocereus chloranthusEchinocereus coccineus v paucispinusEchinocereus delaetiiEchinocereus engelmannii - most varsEchinocereus fendleri - most varsEchinocereus pectinatus v neomexicanusEchinocereus ployacanthusEchinocereus reichenbachii - most varsEchinocereus rigidissimusEchinocereus stramineusEchinocereus triglochidiatus and varsEchinocereus viridflorus and varsEchinopsis ancistrophoraEchinopsis feroxEchinopsis melanopotamicaEchinopsis obrepandaEchinopsis rhodotrichaEchinopsis subdenudataEchinopsis tubifloraEscobaria dasyacantha v varicolorEscobaria leeiEscobaria missouriensis and varsEscobaria orcuttiiEscobaria organensisEscobaria similisEscobaria sneediiEscobaria strobiliformisFerocactus covelleiFericactus cylindraceus syn acanthodesFerocactus fordiiFerocactus hamatacanthusFerocactus herreraeFerocactus macrodiscusFerocactus pottsii v alamosanusFerocactus wizlisenii ( Utah or high elevation Arizona )Gymnocalycium baldianumGymnocalycium bruchiiGymnocalycium gibbosumGymnocalycium horstiiGymnocalycium monvilleiGymnocalycium quehlianumGymnocalycium tilcarenseLobivia backenbergiaLobivia bruchiiLobivia chrysanthaLobivia ferox and vars horrida and longispinaLobivia sylvestre ( Chamaecereus sylvestrii )Lobivia thionanthaLobivia winterianaLobivia wrightianaMammilaria heyderi and varsMammilaria meridioroseaMammilaria microcarpaMammilaria miegianaMammilaria obscuraMammilaria senilisMammilaria zeyerianaMatucana polziiNeolloydia intertexta and var dasyacanthaNeolloydia subterraneous v zaragosensisNeoporteria curvispinusNeoporteria subgibbosaNeoporteria transiensNotocactus leninghousiiNotocactus mammulosusNotocactus ottonisNotocactus rutlansNotocactus submammulosusOreocereus celsianusOreocereus fossulatusOreocereus magnificusOreocereus trolliiOroya borchersiiOroya gibbosumStenocactus erectocentrusStenocactus pentacanthusStenocactus pyllacanthus v grandicornusmStenocactus zacatecaensisThelocactus bicolor and var tricolorThelocactus heterachromusThelocactus hexaedrophorus v lloydiiThelocactus lauiiThelocactus lloydiiThelocactus lophotheleThelocactus mathsoniiThelocactus megharizusThelocactus rinconensis and var phymatohelosThelocactus uncinatusTrichocereus candicansTrichocereus chilensis and varsTrichocereus cuzcoensisTrichocereus formosaTrichocereus grandisTrichocereus pasacanaTrichocereus pocoTrichocereus pseudocandicansTrichocereus randalliiTrichocereus terscheckiiTrichocereus tarijensis. Haw. brittle pricklypear. Flower Color is Yellow/Gold and blooms in Spring. 1986. This Opuntia is one of my favorites, it's a very prolific bloomer, and VERY hardy. $12.00. Prickly pears in Michigan? Flora of North America Editorial Committee. Opuntia fragilis is one of the smallest opuntias and one of the most cold-hardy. Opuntia fragilis Potato aka Potato Dwarf Prickly Pear. Opuntia fragilis occurs from the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Ontario southward to the southwestern USA states. New pads appear in pairs, giving rise to its nickname, bunny ears. This species is the taxon of the farthest north occurrence of any member of the cactaceae family, having observations recorded as far north as 58 degrees northern latitude. It occurs in several Canadian provinces. The Nature Conservancy and Bureau of Land Management, Denver. Gray, A. The most hardy of all seem to be Opuntia compressa, said to be hardy to ?50 degrees Fahrenheit (zones 4 to 7), Opuntia macrorhiza (zones 4 through 7), and Opuntia fragilis-hardy as far north as zone 2. Barkley, Editor. 1991. Haw. vivipara)- same as Mammillaria vivipara, Coryphantha vivipara- very good cold resistance- grows in Alberta, CanadaOpuntia basilaris (Beavertail Cactus)- average resistance to moisture and rain- good cold resistance (-29C, -20F)Opuntia compressa- resistant to moisture and rain- very good cold resistance (at least -34C, -30F)- easy to grow, one of the best Opuntia s to grow in north, tolerates light shadeOpuntia cyclodesOpuntia cymochilaOpuntia Englemannii var. (1) Elevation in Washington State: 14 - 4500 ft (4 – 1372 m). Although it is wide - ly distributed across North America, in the upper Midwest it is rarer, and in Michigan it is a state endangered species. polyacanthaOpuntia polyacantha v. polyacantagrows also in CanadaOpuntia polyacantha x. fragilis- very good resistance to moisture and rain- very good cold resistance (-34C, -30F)- grows in CanadaOpuntia pulchella- good cold resistance (at least -30C, -20F)Opuntia sandianaOpuntia sanguiniculaOpuntia tardospinaOpuntia whipplei (Whipple Cholla)- average resistance to moisture and rain- good cold resistance (-26C, -15F)Pediocactus nigrispinus- good cold resistance (at least -30C, -20F)Pediocactus simpsonii- good cold resistance- average resitance to moisture and rainPediocactus simpsonii var. fragilis grows in the most southern parts of Canada and even reports of growing in British Columbia near the Arctic Circle! It occurs in several Canadian provinces. Fragilis = fragile / brittle. 3rd Ed. Opuntia microdasys Bunny ears. brachyarthra. Hardiness zone 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b. minor- good cold resistancePediocactus simpsonii var. 3. major *- resistant to moisture and rain- good cold resistance (-29C, -20F)Opuntia polyacantha (Hair-Spine/Plains Prickly Pear)- average resistance to moisture and rain- very good cold resistance (-34C, -30F)- grows up to the border of Canada and USAOpuntia polyacantha v. hystricina- var. In: Conservation and management of rare and endangered plants. Has been frost hardy into USDA zone 3. Part II. California county polygons can be turned off and on in the layer control box. Color: New pads mature from red to dark green, yellow flowers followed by purple or red fruit. Information is summarized from MNFI's database of rare species and community occurrences. This reproductive strategy seems to be working quite well–Opuntia fragilis populations are found widely throughout western USA and Canada, reaching as far north as 58°N in Alberta and British Columbia (the northernmost species of Cactaceae in the world). Fragile prickly-pear is found on steep, south facing exposed slopes of granitic bedrock. Site examination for Threatened and Endangered plant species. 1392pp. Bulletin of the Cranbrook Institute of Science and University of Michigan Herbarium. Natural communities are not listed in order of frequency of occurrence, but are rather derived from the full set of natural communities, organized by Ecological Group. Environmental Management 6(4): 307-316. fragilis, has been found growing along the Beatton River in the province of British Columbia, southwest of Cecil Lake at 56° 17’ N latitude and 120° 39’ W longitude. Hybrids are common, and the spines are used as fishhooks because of their strong barbs. ©1996 - 2021 The Classification. This album tracks the progress of the growth of several specimens of Opuntia fragilis, the fragile prickly pear, native to Michigan. It also grows well in Middle Europe.Many Sedum and Sempervivum species are extremely tolerant to cold and moisture.----------------------------------------------------------------------From: info supplied by Craig Howe, who grows these in his Northern California garden - around 40” rainfallmainly during winter, annual lows of 20F, often much lower ( recently, 1997/8 it was 13F, around -10C ). Finally, the plant is big enough to share. When will I learn to slow down when I get excited about new plants? Aciculata (Chenille) can survive to +5 F *Opuntia erinacea (Grizzly Bear Prickly Pear) *- good cold resistance (-29C, -20F)- poor resistance to moisture and rain- var. Actually two, but the other species, Opuntia fragilis, is from the north and only grows on rock outcroppings. According to the Washington Natural Heritage Program, there are only 10 known occurrences of O. fragilis … Each series is labeled OFx, where x is the specimen number. In 1976 Opuntia fragilis was For certain taxa, especially poorly collected or extirpated species of prairie and savanna habitats, natural community lists were derived from inferences from collection sites and habitat preferences in immediately adjacent states (particularly Indiana and Illinois). Goff, G.F., G.A. The flowers are showy and, in our species, yellow or yellow with a red center. Highhumidity all winter long, many sunny days but sometimes no sun for a couple of weeks. Second edition. it is a hybrid between Opuntia polyacantha and Opuntia fragilis. Small cactus of rock outcrops; plants low and prostrate with swollen (not flat), elliptical, pad-like stems separated into 2-5 cm long segments, covered with clusters of 3-7 sharp spines. Frequently O. debreczyi is frequently misinterpreted as O. fragilis or a hybrid of O. fragilis in the Mountain West and the Great Basin. Opuntia fragilis (Fragile Prickly Pear) - average moisture resistance but rain is not a problem - very good cold resistance (-34C, -30F), rumours about -60C, -75F - light shade preferred - var. Used medicinally to treat sores, sore … 2\" high x 12\" wide. In most cases, at least one specimen record exists for each listed natural community. Macrocentra (Texas Santa Rita)- sensitive to moisture and rain- reports of surviving from -40C, -45FOpuntia macrorhiza (Plains Prickly Pear)- resistant to moisture and rain- very good cold resistance (-34C, -30F)- easy to grow- grows up to the border of CanadaOpuntia macrorhiza x phaeacantha- resistant to moisture and rain- good cold resistance (-29C, -20F)Opuntia Phaecantha- resistant to moisture and rain- good cold resistance (-29C, -20F)- easy to growOpuntia phaeacantha var. Natural communities are not listed for those species documented only from altered or ruderal habitats in Michigan, especially for taxa that occur in a variety of habitats outside of the state. Great Plains Flora Association. Elzinga, C.L., D.W. Salzer, and J.W. Sold in 2.5\" pot.\u003c\/p\u003e"} Home. Van Nostrand Reinghold, New York. 910pp. Elias. Fasciculatus *Echinocereus melenacanthus - very good cold resistanceEchinocereus Nicholii (Nichol's Golden Hedgehog) *Echinocereus reichenbachii v. perbellusEchinocereus Stramineus (Strawberry Hedgehog) *Echinocereus triglochidiatus- very good cold and average moisture resistance (reports of -34C, -30F)Echinocereus viridiflorus- good cold resistance (at least -25C, -13F)- resistant to moisture and rainEscobaria missouriensis (var. He received it from a cactus collector who is long gone. Dr. Eric Ribbens writes: Opuntia fragilis (Nutt.) A species of the western part of North America; Michigan is close to the eastern end of its range. Rare Plant Surveys: Techniques for Impact Assessment.
Type 95 Torpedo, Phellinus Igniarius Mushroom Expert, Male Or Female French Bulldog, Boss Kennels, English Pointers, Anuel Aa Narcos, Detective Conan Sunflowers Of Inferno Trailer, Deck Railing String Lights,