The easy answer is that we look at their natural habitat & diet, and choose ingredients that would most closely replicate this. 5-25% is fine). This is so ridiculous that it is almost funny. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. In this case, several readers have written to tell us that this article was helpful to them, earning it our reader-approved status. Wild Harvest - Hamster, Gerbil, Guinea Pig - Food and Treats Great for natural balanced and controlled diet. I have constructed a base mix in a 70:30 ratio, with a total weight of 500g. Dwarf hamsters have a preference for a wider + larger variety of smaller seeds compared to Syrians, and this is one of the reasons (different dietary preference) for why you should not feed a Syrian hamster a mix intended for dwarf hamsters, or vice versa. You can also serve your hamster live insects such as mealworms or crickets. 4) Once you have calculated all of your ingredients, it's as easy as just adding them all up for your overall guaranteed analysis of your mix. There have been one or two notable incidences were owners have created pellet-free mixes and marketed them as complete diets, sold them to the general public, only for a significant amount of animals fed these diets to suffer every deficiency under the sun, with some even tragically dying. Likewise with the Campbells & Winter White, they would not consume a main diet containing fruit, and there is the concern that if you feed them a main diet with added fruit, that you may increase their risk of diabetes. You should not be feeding a Syrian hamster the same diet you would feed your dwarf hamster. 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(14) $3.00. If this is your preference, is is fine to keep them separate. So I Made It To The End Of The Post: I Can Make My Own Hamster Food Now, Right? As with any seed mix, it needs to be supplemented with a high-protein lab block in order for … However, we have to keep in mind that with dwarf hamsters we are discussing a species who do not naturally consume a diet containing fruit, and also the physical size of the hamsters themselves. When feeding a loose seed mix, make sure your hamster empties the food bowl before adding more, not allowing your hamster to eat only its favorite things. Hamster food mix. If you are wanting to include dried veg in your dwarf hamsters diet, we typically stay around 5-10%. Likewise with the Campbells & Winter White, they would not consume a main diet containing fruit, and there is the concern that if you feed them a main diet with added fruit, that you may increase their risk of diabetes. (Dwarf hamster mix featured is by Getzoo, just using a food scoop from Rodipet - but rodipet also stock species appropriate main diets, though they are not complete in the sense that you are required to supplement animal protein separately. Even some purebred Winter White lines have developed diabetes: one study in particular notes a 10% occurrence (which is quite a significant amount) of hyperglycaemia in certain lines. Hamsters will get plenty of fluids from fruits and veggies, but straight juice or milk is too strong and contains far too much sugar for a hamster. However, I will not be helpful for any additional suggestions on other mixes you could try, as I am simply just not comfortable recommending pellet mixes myself as I never make suggestions that I would not use with my own pets: the only suggestions I can give is that if you do have a dwarf hamster, try and find one that is free of added sugar/fruit. Syrians prefer a diet with more variety of cereals with fewer tiny seeds (i.e. When making your own hamster food, the most important thing is to understand the elements of a balanced hamster diet, and then build your hamster's menu based on available, organic options in your area. For some species, like the Roborovski for example, live (not dried!) They have different preferences with their natural dietary preferences being simply far too different, it does not work. Fresh food portion that I offer to my own hamsters which at the time I am writing this post, are Winter White hybrid dwarf hamsters. Plus, mealworms are high in protein and fat and your hamster could become overweight and suffer from the effects of obesity, which is not something you want. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. You will need a proper cage, water bottle, exercise wheel, safe and comfortable bedding, hamster food mix, hiding place, chew toys, hamster ball, bathing sand and bath house, Food dish, hamster treats. Cook it thoroughly but do not season it with salt or pepper. Wild hamsters eat seeds, grain and grasses as well as some insects. While these slides have discussed what makes the most species appropriate diet, we do not live in a perfect world where this is necessarily possible/achievable for every single owner to provide. Great question! Very young hamsters, and those raising litters, will need higher amounts of protein in their diet (18-22%). Animals who fail to thrive on pellet-free diets are animals fed inappropriately balanced diets: it has nothing to do with the absence of pellets, and these animals can't be used to "prove" the dangers of pellet free mixes at all.... but like our pizza & coke friend, they are perfect examples of the dangers of inappropriately balanced diets. homemade diets require pellets. Every dollar contributed enables us to keep providing high-quality how-to help to people like you. For example, the bulk of your starch ingredients for a Syrian would include Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, and Buckwheat with fewer smaller cereals like millet. Organic bird seed, unsalted raw sunflower seeds, dried corn, unsalted nuts, unsalted and unsweetened nut butters, cooked potatoes, and grains of all kinds are great sources of carbs and fat for her diet. To ensure clarification: You would use the end weight of your base mix, that is the mix you created for starch:oil seeds, to determine how much of x to add - see example! (i.e. Do not serve it hot as it will burn the hamster. What fresh food they are offered varies on the day, but this portion includes 1/2 of a cherry tomato, one slice of cucumber, and some mixed lettuce. 4.5 out of 5 stars 907. If you have a hybrid hamster, it is best to treat them as a Campbells, even if they look like a Winter White: that is, avoid the use of 'unnecessary carbohydrates'. Mixes are the most popular and common type of commercial hamster food. This is not a necessary step, but is helpful if you want to compare your food mix with others available on the market (Rodent Kitchen, for example, offer breakdowns of all of their foods). By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. You can feed your hamster organic chicken, turkey, or eggs to provide the needed protein for her diet. You want a healthy hamster not an overweight hamster that is likely to develop diabetes or … The piece of any fruit or vegetable should be a very small piece. Fortunately, hamster food is simple to make and the ingredients are easy to obtain at most health food stores. You may feed, if you wish, your dwarf hamsters the same diet as each other but you should not feed your Syrian and dwarf hamsters the same food. Once again, I’ll refer you to the ‘mixer’ tool on if you’re confused: the grain category lists all the ingredients in the cereal category. Each starch ingredient you add should therefore make up around *10%-20% of that 300g. But if Winter Whites & Chinese hamsters consume higher amounts of grain, how can we feed them the same diet as Campbells & Robos? Therefore, 10g of shelled hemp seeds contributes 0.73% protein to our mix. No hamster food is perfect and you’re going to find something to … It is also not often cheap to create your own homemade mix but if you want to learn, sit down & grab a cuppa and I’ll walk you through the basics. ), usually sticking to ratios between 70:30 & 80:20 works best for all species. More frequently, try pieces of vegetables like cucumber, corn on the cob, carrot, peas, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, or beansprouts. This post was last updated on: 23/7/2020. But I Don’t Like Insects, Can’t I Just Leave Them Out? Internet Explorer won’t be supported for long. Generally speaking, you want around 5 starch ingredients (minimum) in your hamsters mix to be added. No. What is particularly useful about this option is that they divide each ingredients into categories – including starch (the translation is ‘flour’), oil & grain/cereal (also starch!) Don't offer other liquids. The first four elements of a healthy diet will be discussed in more detail in the next step. The best diet for you hamster is one that’s similar to what they would eat in the wild, including fresh veg and protein-packed treats like mealworms. Change the water every day. There have been one or two notable incidences were owners have created pellet-free mixes and marketed them as complete diets, sold them to the general public, only for a significant amount of animals fed these diets to suffer every deficiency under the sun, with some even tragically dying. insects make up a large proportion – up to 50%! For a better experience now, use another browser. While these slides have discussed what makes the most species appropriate diet, we do not live in a perfect world where this is necessarily possible/achievable for every single owner to provide. Forage Boxes. Mixes within the 60:40 ratio range will be higher in fat than those in the 80:20 range, as they contain more oil seeds. Only 1 available and it's in 17 people's carts. I wasn’t born knowing what I know either – I sat down and researched myself. If you want to further break down your food, you can calculate the guaranteed analysis. It's not simply that "sugar causes diabetes", because this is a false idea/myth we often see spread through the community, and the root for why sugar is limited in the diets of dwarf hamsters is much deeper than this: it is because the animal may have an underlying genetic abnormality, where feeding them diets with added sugar/fruit may be just the push they need to send them into hyperglycemia. For Pregnant or baby hamsters, you should get hamster food that contains 18-40% protein and 7-9% fat. Ratio recommendations can be anywhere from 60:40 (starch:oil) to 80:20 (starch:oil). On the contrary, the Phodopus species (which is the Winter White, Roborovski, and Campbell dwarf hamsters) and also the Chinese dwarf hamster are from much different habitats and should not have fruit in their main diet (it may be offered very, very sparingly – but should not be part of their day-to-day diet), and a base mix containing fruit would not be a species appropriate diet for these species.
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