5th Edition. Asmodeus has several strategic alliances with evil gods, including Set and Hecate, who supply clerics of diabolic cults with spells in exchange for Asmodeus's help with other matters. They are the eyes and ears of the Nine Hells, and even fiends that despise a spined devil's weakness treat it with a modicum of respect. Does anyone have a working stat block for Dispater? The trade-off here is stats vs spells. Only two redundant spells here, too. I can't find the stat block for Dispater in 5e. Smaller than most other devils, spinagons act as messengers and spies for greater devils and archdevils. Reason: The description of this creature needs to be replaced with material that wasn't plagiarized from another book. He has an understanding of sorts with Hextor. I have only ever played and run 5e, but reading all the amazing OSR stuff out there you quickly realize how bloated 5e is. People really wanted the 3e style of using the monster manual stat blocks so thats what they went with. Follow this guide to discover how to best optimize the skills, weapons, features, and abilities for a D&D 5e Bard class character build. You can help D&D Wiki by improving the grammar on this page. This page needs grammatical help. When the grammar has been changed so that this template is no longer applicable please remove this template. Stat-wise, it's nothing special, though Hunter's Mark and a bonus to Perception checks are pretty darn useful. I think that the most egregious example of this is monster stat blocks; even the most basic monsters are hard to read, and even harder to run when you are under pressure as the DM to keep battles moving at a good pace. Saving Throws Int +16, Wis +16, Cha +18 Skills Intimidation +18, Perception +16 Damage Resistances cold, fire, radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 26 Languages all, telepathy 120 ft. Mark of Handling Human: +2 WIS, +1 to one stat. I maintain this site as a hobby, and I got access to the book on the same day as everyone else and I am rushing to catch up as quickly as I can. Glasya is an archdevil and daughter of Asmodeus.She is described as a "criminal mastermind".She rules the 6th layer, Maladomini, of the Nine Hells.Malboge is the prison of the Nine Hells and she "rules the place and oversees the punishments doled out to devils that stray from their assigned tasks.". The spells are all new to you, but the regular Human has +1 to all stats. 8 comments. Hit Points: d6 hit points is the lowest in the game.Fortunately Intelligence is the only ability which Wizards strictly need, so you can afford a decent Constitution score. Traits Shapechanger: The imp can use its action to polymorph into a beast form that resembles a rat (speed 20 ft.), a raven (20 ft., fly 60 ft.), or a spider (20 ft Saves: Intelligence saves are very rare, and proficiency in Wisdom saves won't help much if your Wisdom is terrible.. Proficiencies: Wizard's weapons are pitiful, but can be easily replaced by cantrips. TEMPORARY NOTE: RPGBOT is undergoing a massive update for DnD 5e content to accommodate rules changes and new content introduced by Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.Please be patient while these changes are made. Asmodeus is the father of Glasya, through his consort, Bensozia. I've just spent the past hour looking for one, but it seems I might have to homebrew one (which is fine, but I'd rather take a look at an already done one). I recall that during the initial 5e playtests that they received negative feedback the first time they introduced the concept of replacing summon spells with generic stat blocks. Back to Main Page → 5e → Monster ↑ Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p.23
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