If you plan to add Sterbai Ancistrus as your Discus tank mates, make sure that you feed them with some good-quality algae for their diet on the regular basis. Antoher thing you should note is never put small Discus and large Discus in the same tank. Unfortunately, as docile as Oscar fish are around humans, they can be relatively aggressive when raised in a tank. This means therefore that you need to keep a close eye on plecos as they mature. Fish Disease : Freshwater Fish Disease - Diagnose, Symptoms and Treatment. For this reason, any aggressive mates won’t be good. The main reason why you are allowed to add this type of fish into the tank is because of their ability. Also, remove any carbon … Therefore, it is suggested for you to grow small Discus in a separated tank and wait for the right time to put them in the same tank with adult Discus. source: Discushatchery¹, aquaencyclopedia². Did you find a great deal on... read more. Lots of tributaries change their streamline into the opposite one, till the overflowing river doesn’t flood a huge territory. Discus Tropical Fish Learn all about the Discus's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Our latest and best photos. Synodontis Catfish. ii) Cory cats Another set of common discus fish tank mates are cory cats. Ideally, however, a 75-gallon tank is best for one adult Oscar and, if you plan to keep more than one, you will need a tank at least 100 gallons in … The likes of Tinfoil Barbs, Danios, or Tiger Barbs will eventually endanger the Discus by nipping their fins, making them look so skittish. Many people do not like keeping sting rays in their discus aquariums due to the fact that sting rays grow quickly and require fairly large aquariums. We love to take pictures and show them to the world. The lifespan the Discus fish sometimes depends on two basic things; the tank mates and the tank setup. Natural gravel or river sand is the best substrate for the bottom, and temperature should be set at 86f (30c). Betta Tank Mates For 5 Gallon Tanks. Besides, they will also tend to take control your entire tank and force your Discus fish to hide and feel being intimidated. Discus fish are a joy to keep in the home aquarium and a discus community tank is even better! If you have calm, peaceful angelfish, it could be a match made in heaven. Can Angelfish Live With Discus? i) Tetras The most common discus tank mates you see in a discus aquarium are tetras. This therefore means that you should always look for mates for your discus fish in your aquarium. After that, avoid adding Angelfish since their aggression matter can endanger your Discus fish. Discus Tank Mates. Use a heater to maintain this... read more, A clean tank is not only good for your fish and plants; it also helps you appreciate the beauty... read more, Discus flourish in warm water. With the fish that will end up becoming the discus tank mates settling in and doing well, keep checking water perimeters on a weekly basis. They will get more when they are on the peak of their sexual maturity. In this article, we'll help you navigate your options about discus tank heaters. Make sure you … Tropical fish type is the type of fish that is fun and interesting to watch. Fish size you’ll choose for this type of tank: So for the first time you keep discus and you keep in a … If there are items you are looking for but can’t find on our state-of-the-art website, please contact us and we will do our best to find what you need. Opting for a larger tank can reduce some issues related to aggression – try to keep a tank that is at least 75 gallons in … Maximum size of dwarf cichlids ranges between 10 to 12 centimeters, and this makes them perfect for this purpose. Advantages and disadvantages to a Wall Mounted Fish Tank. Discus requires a little more care and husbandry than most bread-and-butter tropical fish. Despite being categorized as Tetras family, Neon Tetras are also not recommended to be added since they will prefer cooler water, while your Discus prefers the warm one. All rights reserved. Name: Bumblebee Cichlid Scientific Name: Pseudotropheus crabro Size: 15 cm for males and 12 cm for females Care level: Moderate Minimum tank size: 50 gallons Water conditions: Freshwater, although they have a slight tolerance for brackish water. However, the diet of a stingray is completely different from the diet of a discus fish. Most other small and peaceful species of fish (guppies, tetras) won’t last long. Whatever fish you decide to keep with your Discus, they will benefit from the extra attention. The first and the most acceptable reason is because they are categorized as tropical fish. The is the most commonly used word in the English language; studies and analyses of texts have … Hole-in-the-head disease is a symptom of poor tank health, but there are a lot of things you can do to help. Cardinal tetras are suitable with warm and acidic water like discus. Talking about the tank mates you can put, Cardinal Tetras fish are possibly the most proper option you have for Discus fish tank mates. During the spawning process, angelfish and discus fish become very aggressive in an effort to protect their spawning site. Synodontis Catfish have almost similar behavior as that of the African Cichlids. Because discus fish are somewhat picky when it comes to water conditions in the tank it is wise to select tank mates that have similar preferences so you can design the tank to suit the needs of your discus. The main reason why you are allowed to add this type of fish into the tank is because of their ability. Cardinal tetras is the best tank mate for your discus. The Discus Community Aquarium, by Uncle Bill, The Number of Discus to Safely House in an Aquarium. Therefore, it is important to be very selective in choosing a discus tank mate. While it’s unwise to add fish to the tank, you can still add snails and shrimp. In this case, Discus is the larger type of fish compared to Cardinal Tetras. In this case, deciding the most suitable fish for your Discus fish tank mates can be crucial since it can affect your Discus lifespan. Read more. Tetras happen to be slow moving schooling fish as well so that makes them tank mates for discus fish. However this does not mean that they are not a substitute for water changes. iv) Plecos Plecos are also a common fish found in discus aquariums. Tank mates must meet two criteria: they should be able to live in high temperatures and they cannot outcompete the discus for food. PH range: 5-6 Cardinal Tetras make good Discus tank mates because they not only share some common... #2 Corydoras Catfish. Discus fish does not keep well with all the fish types. Muddy and clayey water gets into the ponds with crystal clean water. Fish Tank Mates : It is usually best to keep them in a species only tank because of their water requirements. Common Discus ailments: (credit Nicole on the forum) Here are some great Electric Blue Acara tank mates that we recommend: Cory catfish; Discus fish; Oscars; Rainbowfish; Otocinclus; Bristlenose Pleco; Moga cichlid; This is just a small example of the potential tank mates you can pair with this fish, but it’s a good starting point. Gallery. Some of the best tank mates for your 10-gallon tank would be fish that occupy the lower levels of the aquarium, such as small Loaches and Catfish. It means that you cannot add any African Cichilds as your Discus tank mates too. The flooded forest that surrounds the Amazon River turns into one single slow flowing bog. The smaller type fish or dither fish like to swim forth and back in the tank. v) Stingrays Other very experienced discus fish keepers keep stingrays in their discus fish aquariums. The most common discus tank mates you see in a discus aquarium are tetras. The next type of fish that you may choose as your Discus fish tank mates is Corydoras Catfish. In the meantime, visit our boutique and build your dream tank today. Last week I decided to purchase two discus which has settled well in my tank along with, 2 small silver sharks, 3 small silver dollars, 6 kribs and a big angel. Some fish are also likely to introduce parasites to your discus, so you need to be very careful. The safe feeling from the dither fish will send a signal to your Discus fish that everything in their tank is safe. Most of the... read more, In this article, we will help you navigate your material, height, size, and vendor options when choosing your discus... read more, Did you ever come home one day and find your aquarium leaking?
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