Increases damage with Rifles and Submachine Guns by (3% | 6% | 10%). I love this one! After defeating an enemy with a Rifle or Submachine Gun, weapon sway is nullified and weapon spread does not increase for 10 seconds. With the base equipment out of the way, let’s talk perks and attributes. Cyberpunk 2077 Builds: Smart Shooter (Submachine Gun) Character Guide Weapons Perks. Epic crunch mods are what you’ll want to fill your entire weapon with. The Assault Skill Tree includes all of our rifle related Perks for both Precision Rifles and Sniper Rifles. December 16, 2020 iFAQ Guides 0. In this guide we’ll cover everything you need to know to make it work including the primary attributes, best weapons, armor, cyberware, and all the best perks you’ll want to pick up, so let’s get started. Each skill, in turn, has a tree of perks to be upgraded. I've certainly done my research on this one. This build focuses on using the Ashura sniper rifle and Fenrir along with a 4.5-second cooldown Sandevistan MK.5 that basically allows you to stay in time dilation while you take out your enemies before they even know what hit them. Once you get the Widow Maker it can be further upgraded to legendary quality through the Crafting Skill Line. It looks like this might just shape up to be a really nice community. Next, you can optionally add the Predator mod to increase damage against moderate and high threat enemies. We can also benefit from crafted weapons and ammo as well as weapon upgrades from the Crafting Skill Tree. We are also using this build as a hybrid sneak build, so the built-in silencer on the Overwatch is not only going to help the playstyle, but also our damage output. This way you can very cheaply get some good mods. They completely satisfy every aspect of a stealth build within the limits of the Cool attribute. This is a bug and should be patched out. Landing a Crit Hit has a 25% chance of applying a stack of Cold Blood. First priority is the offensive gear, this being all the weapons and cyberware that goes into the build. Increases Crit Chance with Rifles and Submachine Guns by (10% | 20%) when firing from behind cover. When it comes to cyberware, if you’re looking to maximize the badassery, you’ll want to trade your cyberdeck for a Sandevistan. If you'd like a demonstration, or would prefer this sort of information in video format, check out the link just below to my Youtube channel. I'd be happy to answer what I can. With that done, keep the armadillo mods in the back of your mind for a little later. Building a Cyberpunk 2077 stealth character can feel daunting during the initial customisation process and after. That’s all there is for the backbone of this build. Reduces weapon recoil by (2.5% | 5) per stack of Cold Blood. The Character Creation Guide explains the basic aspects of character creation and things you need to know to make your own build. Is Crafting Worth It In Cyberpunk 2077?You may be wondering if investing heavily into Cyberpunk 2077's in-depth crafting system is worth your time. Zu den Waffen gehören natürlich auch Scharfschützengewehr und wer die Gegner gerne aus der Ferne umlegt, der wird sich vielleicht die Frage stellen, was ist die beste Sniper in Cyberpunk 2077? Build Introduction to the Street Brawler Welcome to a brand new Cyberpunk 2077 Build: The Street Brawler! Cyberpunk 2077 Stealth Build: The Silent Killer This is a build for players who are willing to trade off some mild practicality for extreme amounts of stealthy, insta-killing fun. Rifle and Submachine Gun damage increases the farther you are located from enemies. Try to focus on these enemies first as they run towards you! However, considering the insanely slow bullet travel time during slo-mo, you might opt for the "Falcon" variant if you prefer long-range engagements. Tech Weapon charge time is reduced by (10% | 20%). So, our choice for primary weapon in this build is the Overwatch. The recommended distribution for The Tech Sniper Build is as follows: Body: 14 (+11) Reflexes: 20 (+14) Tech: 20 (+14) Int: 4 (+1) Cool: 12 (+9). Support us on Patreon and get exclusive benefits, Within the Skeletal System, titanium bones and the Synaptic Signal Optimizer are great options for the increased Carrying Weight and Bonus Health. The Smart Shooter Build uses Smart Link Cyberware, as well as Smart Submachine Guns and Smart Assault Rifles to obliterate enemies while on the run, rarely if ever staying still. Crit Damage, and 3. the Headshot Damage Multiplier. Next you’ll want 11 or more points in the Cool stat, giving you access to several good passives in the stealth tree, as well as the 50% headshot damage passive in the Cold blood tree (req Lvl 11). The Road to 2 Million Damage: The Best Possible Sniper Build. In terms of disadvantages keep in mind that you don’t have as much defense against melee builds. This build is a balls to the wall melee fighter that manages huge damage spikes with whatever weapon you can get your hands on, from hammers to bats to nothing... by Hack The Minotaur | Dec 28, 2020 | Cyberpunk 2077 Builds. With all of the gear and perks collected, equip Overwatch, crouch, take cover, aim at an enemy 75 meters or more away from you, wait for them to move, activate your Sandevistan, and shoot them in the head. Otherwise, having an epic kiroshi optic eye is a great boost if you manage to afford the legendary mods that increase headshot damage by 50%. Hack The Minotaur (HTM) is a professional Gaming Blogger and Youtube Creator with decades of experience in Gaming. Health regenerates up to (70% | 80% | 100%) of max Health outside of combat. Shares. In today’s video, we take a look at a Smart Sniper build. In the guide we go over all the intricacies that make this … Choosing a weapon or your cyberware at random will make this build a little less effective, but by all means experiment with other choices and let me know how it works out! Build Introduction to the Tech Sniper Welcome to a brand new Cyberpunk 2077 Build: The Tech Sniper! The much more annoying mods to acquire are the legendary mods. Go check out his YouTube Channel for even more builds and guides on popular series like the Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Cyberpunk and make sure to check out his social media for updates on what content is coming next! The Cold Blood Skill Tree will add to the overall speed, durability and damage of this build. The ability to shoot through walls and cover is also invaluable when facing off against multiple enemies. Cyberpunk 2077 Builds: Street Samurai (Melee Katana) Character Guide Weapons Perks . Status Effects are negative effects with short durations that can be applied to enemies or the player character during combat such Poison or Burn. Allows you to reload weapons while sprinting, sliding and vaulting. This build is all about firing off massive Tech Weapon damage *through walls* to impact the target before they even know what hit them! In this guide we will walk you through everything there is to know for you to feel at home in the dangerous and chaotic Night City. My name is Hack The Minotaur or just HTM. Both weapons reside in the, The next primary attribute we’ll want to invest in is the Technical Ability Attribute. Quick Melee Attacks with Rifles and Submachine Guns deal (50% | 100%) more damage. Fully charged Tech Weapons deal 50% more damage. The silenced ones make an excellent one-shot-from-stealth alternative. Build Introduction Hey everybody and welcome back. Tech Weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 have the ability to shoot through walls and other forms of cover by charging up your shot. Each headshot reduces recoil with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 5% for 10 seconds. Increases Rifle and Submachine Gun damage to moving enemies by (10% | 20%). Als technisch versierter Sniper-Spezialist macht ihr euch in Cyberpunk 2077 nur im Notfall die Cyberhände dreckig. Increases max stack amount for Cold Blood by 1. Increases Rifle and Submachine Gun damage while aiming by 10%. First, we will cover all of the Ranged Weapon Types in Cyberpunk 2077: Pistols; Revolvers; Assault Rifles You’ll also need at least 18 points in Tech to be able to upgrade your iconics to legendary, and 20 points gets you a 5% base damage buff (which is a big deal since this is applied before all other modifiers). There is a wide variety of weapon mods that can be added to your Rifles as well. The Athletics Skill Tree will add to the overall speed, durability and maximum stats of this build. Cyberpunk 2077 Builds Guide. Let’s talk about your go to Sniper Rifle first the Nekomata. Alternatively, with a leveled crafting skill, crafted clothing of any rarity has a high chance of being crafted with at least the bully mod attached. You can sub this for [or supplement it with] Deadeye if you want, but there isn’t a need to increase crit chance beyond 100%. Now, you CAN sub legendary for epic clothes, but you’ll have up to 12 mod slots to work with (2 per piece) instead of the 20 of legendary gear. I’ve seen plenty of builds that get to this point and stop, with damage falling off in a range of 5-10k on a normal shot to 100k under the very best conditions, due to not really maximizing the rest of their build. However if you follow the build to a T, you’ll be pretty squishy so range is your friend. For this build I’ll talk about the crafting method, as I find purchasing them from weapon and clothing vendors to be far far far more expensive AND time consuming. My Channel -, I would just try to break the paragraphs to smaller ones. Last updated on December 16th, 2020. Now, the very last thing we need is to put it all together. My favorite option is the Countermass Mod which will reduce vertical weapon recoil after firing.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-cyberpunkcentral_com-leader-2-0')}; The centerpiece cyberware option for this build will be the Sandevistan. ASHURA Smart Sniper rifle is one of the strongest guns that you can get early in Cyberpunk 2077. Hell no. For ANY build which you intend to carry into late game I would highly suggest waiting until about level 30 before grabbing the iconic weapon associated with it, as leveling the weapon up to the max level of 50 can get very expensive. A Shotgun-toting, grenade-chucking, Tech Weapon Specialist! Nekomata’s are fairly common to find in the game and can also be crafted and upgraded to legendary quality if you wish. Welcome to the Engineer Build! This Beat-Em-Up Brawler Build uses a combination of Melee Weapons, Fists, and Insane Speed to pulverize your enemies into submission. With the “waste not want not” perk, you can scrap the item to gain the mods. Purchasing them, or crafting them. Increases Armor by (10% | 20%) per stack of Cold Blood. Multiple different forms and rarities of the Sandevistan exist in Cyberpunk 2077, available from different manufacturers. Cyberpunk 2077. If you want to know how to get ASHURA Smart Sniper rifle in Cyberpunk 2077, this guide is the right place for you. But, if you’re like me then pushing the limit and seeing those huge numbers can be a fun experience, and you can always swap out some of the damage-boosting features of the build for other bonuses. So at the time of writing this I have 65 hours played and have beaten my first playthrough. Lastly, we have about 11 attribute points remaining to spend. Now it’s time to talk about the garnish that really makes it pop. Even in this style you can tackle content 10-15 levels over your current level with ease (provided you’re far enough away to not get one-shot). Here are some tips to help you along the way with crafting. This build is very handy in any type of fight: from medium or even close distances due to the flexible nature of the Tech Precision Rifle, and of course from long distances using a fully speced out Tech Sniper Rifle. Allows you to charge Tech Weapons up to (75% | 100%) capacity. You’re also gonna want the highest version of the “Visual cortex support” frontal lobe slot you can get, to buff crit damage even higher. 0. There are five attributes in Cyberpunk 2077, and each attribute has two or three associated skills. While this build can avoid combat completely if you want, much of our Skill Trees focus on insane damage combos that can rip enemies to shreds in just a few … There are a bunch of great perks in the assault skill tree, all the way up to the ones that require level 20 reflexes, and you also gain the option of using revolvers with the handguns skill tree. 2) Never get stuck with low ammo in your inventory. ygcya. With Cold Blood, the more kills you rack up in combat, the stronger you get! Alright, first let’s talk starting attributes. These are up to you. What are Status Effects In Cyberpunk 2077? Some other great options for this build are the more defensive Cyberware items like Dermal Plating – this can be found in all different strengths and rarities that give you higher innate armor rating. Who’s surprised? For this and likely all of my future builds this thing breaks down into 3 parts, each in order of importance to the build. In the guide we go over all the intricacies that make this work, but let me know if by some chance I missed anything! But if you want guns and melee weapons to hit like a choo choo train you want, this video can help. You will be moving so fast … I learned a lot about what’s useful and what isn’t. We don’t use cold blood much else in this build as it’s not really gonna give us any more relevant benefits until level 20 with the merciless perk, and beyond this point stealth mostly only helps with poison damage. If you’ve done everything in this guide you’ll hit for about or over 2.5 million damage. The way this Build works is that you begin by activating the Big Sleep Daemon, neutralizing all cameras in the area so that you aren’t detected while you’re sneaking around. Enemies in Cyberpunk 2077 have excellent aim against stationary targets, but they have difficulty hitting anyone who is moving even remotely a little bit. As long as you upgrade that weapon to legendary, you’ll be critting on every single shot, and the insane crit damage we get from this build will take over, meaning most decently hard-hitting weapons are still one-shots even outside of stealth. Not only will this give you extra materials for crafting, but it will help you level up your crafting skill as well. A build which utilizes tech sniper to shoot enemies through wall to have a surprise advantage Tactics With this Walhacking sniper build you would take the advantage of enemy’s unawareness of you. The Most Powerful 1-Shot Sniper Build in the Game. Stacks up to 5 times. However, if you're still here then let's get this show on the road. So a quick charge, combined with some way to see enemies such the Ping quickhack is a deadly combination. What do you need to do to hit for the highest damage possible? The Sandevistan is one of the most powerful types of active cyberware in the game. This will be especially important when using the Nekomata at long range. Now, you’ll want to put 6 points in Body to wield “Grad” type sniper rifles effectively, and you can grab a couple perks for this small investment. When leveling your skill, keep in mind that the experience granted is BY COMPONENT, with higher tier components giving higher XP each. Which Will YOU Become In Night City? It would make the post easier to read. There are plenty of other builds that can dispose of groups of enemies faster, charging in guns-blazing or sword-swinging, but only this Silent Killer stealth build can do so without taking so much as a scratch. 0. Alternately you can pump up your body attribute and beef your health and resistances, which allows you to use the sniper rifle like a shotgun by cozying up to the bad guys. Oh, and maybe blow some cars up on the way and wreak havoc with some heavy machine guns stripped from turrets. This is what I’d recommend you do. Increases charge damage from all chargeable weapons and cyberware by 10%. Cyberpunk 2077: The Ultimate Stealth Hacker Build posted by wfl Polymath with a passion for accessible gaming, stealth & sniper games, precision shooting and founder of Ghost Gamer News Live your dream as the best hacker in Night City with this Cyberpunk 2077 stealth hacker build! Increases the charge multiplier for Tech Weapons by (15% | 35% | 55%). One of my biggest peeves with this game is seeing videos talking about how you can get the best items early in the game, since you then have a very hard time keeping them relevant by end-game. The former method is also problematic at the moment as legendary blueprints for clothing vendors currently ONLY appear the first time you talk to them. Some weapons including Katanas, SMGs, Shotguns and Grenades have the ability... by Hack The Minotaur | Dec 20, 2020 | Cyberpunk 2077 Builds. Increases headshot damage with Sniper Rifles and Precision Rifles by (20% | 30%). This build does great initial damage, especially while in stealth. This is still a good alternative, and allows for a lot more interesting outfits. by Hack The Minotaur | Dec 31, 2020 | Cyberpunk 2077 Builds. Other forms of subdermal armor give you protection from specific status effects like the Fireproof coating which protects you from Burn. For the 2 torso pieces the max is 4 slots each, and for every other item the max is 3 slots each. This build is very handy in any... Cyberpunk 2077 Katana Build – Ninja Assassin. This is where clothing and mods come into play. There are a few basic crafting specs you’ll need though. Filling all, or even just a few armors with a Bully mod is the key to really cranking the damage up to the max. Please let me know if it helped or ask if you have any questions. To my knowledge this is indeed the most damage you can do, barring a few percent extra here or there. Reduces recoil with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 10%. Welcome to a brand new Cyberpunk 2077 Build called the Engineer - a shot-gun toting, grenade chucking tech weapon specialist. The Widow Maker also has a high chance to apply Poison to your target, giving them some nasty extra damage over time that can easily finish them off in a few seconds if your initial shot doesn’t do the job. Increases max Health by (10% | 20% | 30%). This video will give a complete break down of all perks that i have in … source. Increases Rifle and Submachine gun damage by (5% | 10%) when firing from behind cover. This is a complete guide to do over 1400000 damage with a sniper build in cyberpunk 2077. Cyberpunk 2077 - Sharpshooter Build Guide This Sharpshooter build is focused on high one-shot damage. We will eventually put several more points into Cool for some great perks found in both, Your chosen Life Path is of course up to you, but for me the, Cyberpunk 2077 Melee Build – Street Brawler, Cyberpunk 2077 Katana Build – Ninja Assassin, Cyberpunk 2077 Tech Weapon Build – The Engineer. Crit Chance, 2. Your final starting attribute point is up to you but I recommend placing that point into the Cool attribute. The main mod you’re looking for is Bully. That brings us to the end of the build. Builds in Cyberpunk 2077 are made up of attributes, skills, and perks. So you’ll want to put three early attribute points into Reflexes for a total of 6. The exact model you pick up does not make a huge difference, though higher quality pieces will grant you better stats and more time spent in Time Dilation mode. Finally, a few additional combat tips before you head out. Also, if you'd like to check out my Youtube channel the link is just below. I’d recommend buying the specs for the crunch and armadillo mods from a weapon and clothing vendor respectively. I’d recommend adding three additional points to the Technical Ability stat at the start of the game for a total of 6. Below we have listed some of the Best Builds To Use In Cyberpunk 2077; this will include how best to allocate your Attribute Stats such as Body, Cool, and Reflexes. This version of the “grad” snipers is earned during Panam’s questline, which you will unlock after meeting her during the main story. 4) Before starting combat, always pick out a solid Sniper’s Nest location. Fully charged Tech Weapons do not shoot automatically. If you’ve got your points invested as I do, then that means you have the ability to craft legendary clothing. Cyberpunk 2077 Sharpshooter Build - The Best Perks For Sniping And Stopping And Popping Here's the best sniper/sharpshooter build in Cyberpunk 2077. While most other builds a player might invest in several of the different attributes, it isn't necessary with a stealth build. Then you use the Ping Quickhack to locate all enemies in the area, allowing you to determine who to pick off first. Otherwise, you might have some trouble pushing through to the end-game due to poor perk investments. Once you’ve picked out your clothing, you need the mods to fit that clothing, as well as for the weapon(s) you’re using for the build. Getting crafting to 18 grants you a single blueprint for each clothing slot. Anyway, in terms of attributes, the two that you NEED for this build to be most effective are Reflexes and Tech. While these specs are white, each time you craft them there is a chance of them being up to purple (which is to say max) quality. Having spent 35 hours now as a stealthy bringer of death and premature life insurance claims, I thought I’d share some of my wisdom. Cyberpunk 2077 Best Builds To Use. Increases duration of Cold Blood by (5 | 10) seconds. By. 1) Deconstruct any weapons and armor that you don’t plan on using. Of course for best results you’ll want this thing at max level and highest quality. That's the hierarchy: Attributes -> Skills -> Perks. Our primary focuses on this build will of course be Rifles, both the Precision and Sniper variety. A 15% boost in damage outright, and a 50% boost in crit damage is godlike. If you want to duplicate the mods you can do this much faster and easier, but I don’t recommend duplicating clothing items as it confuses the game and can result in your armor not working correctly or gaining different mods entirely. In this video I will show you how to get the best sniper rifles in cyberpunk 2077. Crafting in cyberpunk 2077 consists of 20 levels and is tied to the Technical Ability stat, so not only do you need to... by Hack The Minotaur | Dec 22, 2020 | Cyberpunk 2077 Guides. Let’s discuss what works well on this build as well as the potential challenges you will face. Increases Critical Chance with Tech weapons by (3% | 6% | 10%). These can be purchased, almost always for upward of 100k, and rarely showing up in only select vendors’ inventories. You can also do this by upgrading your iconic clothing instead, possibly granting you a small bonus in addition to the mod slots if the iconic has any bonuses. Share 0 Comments. Published on December 11th, 2020. with those, you should now enable you to hit in the multi-millions. I’ve had trouble even breaking 100k with the “O’Five” variant you earn from the “Beat on the Brat” questline, due to it being locked in as thermal damage. This build is very handy in any... Cyberpunk 2077 Katana Build – Ninja Assassin I'd like to begin by saying that this build is adjustable and can either turn you into a glass cannon capable of destroying planets at a glance, or give you a bunch more survivability in exchange for ONLY doing a max of 1.5 million damage. The perfect, min-maxed build for melee, whether you’re going with blunt or blade! For example, the Iconic Widow Maker Rifle typically comes in Rare or Epic quality, so if you like this weapon you’ll want to consider upgrading it to Legendary quality further down the line to keep it’s damage competitive. This Tech Rifle is nearly as powerful at range as the Nekomata, has the same capability to shoot through cover, but also does well shooting from the hip without sights at either medium to close range. This build takes a dynamic approach to combat,... Alright, first let’s talk starting attributes. 4) Pick up the Cost Optimization and Let There Be Light Perks to reduce crafting and upgrading costs. Your Keroshi Optics can also be modded for higher Crit Chance by using the Weakspot Detection mod, which is fairly common to find in Night City. This build is all about firing off massive Tech Weapon damage *through walls* to impact the target before they even know what hit them! Gear is the first step to making a build successful as it's the baseline damage and attributes that all the rest of your build is modifying. The weapon you use for this build is especially important if you really want to maximize damage. When it comes to secondary weapons you can pretty much use any weapon. While RPG players may be familiar with the level- and perk-based system, the futuristic genre and first-person perspective can make Cyberpunk 2077 look and feel like a first-person shooter. Increases max Stamina by (10% | 20% | 30%). Seriously. Health regenerates 25% faster as you move. It’s only with this baby that I’ve been able to do over 2 million damage. The recommended perks are below (you'll have to forgive me for using the same images from my video). 0. Hack loves gaming content, particularly Traditional RPG’s, Action RPG’s and MMO’s. Plan your character build's stat/perk point distribution with the calculator on Nukes Dragons. In fact this Build benefits from being on the move, so ideally you’d never stop moving. I n this Cyberpunk 2077 Build Guide I’ll be showing you my Tech Engineer Build which is a Build that uses Tech Weapons to their fullest, also allowing you to craft high quality equipment. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-cyberpunkcentral_com-banner-1-0')};My personal favorite on this build is something a little different – that being the Widow Maker Tech Precision Rifle.
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