Mar 19, 2021 - Methods of Contouring - Contours, Surveying and Levelling Agricultural Engineering Notes | EduRev is made by best teachers of Agricultural Engineering. It is impracticable on the fields having irregular topographical features. Contour Furrow Irrigation Method. #1 Permaculture Permaculture is a design system that applies principles that are found in nature to the development of human settlements, allowing humanity to live in harmony with the natural world. Contour farming is most effective when practiced along with strip cropping, terracing and water diversion. Tillage: contour tilling will prevent the excess run of water. Ideally, each crop row is planted at right angles to the ground slope. A method of video key frame extraction for huge motion variation was put forward. evaluating the impact of practices on agroecosystem and its environment); crops, livestock, and forestry (i.e., method LCAE by Rossier or SD by Pointereau et al. Contour beds can also be constructed manually using tools such as hoe, fork and spade. common planting patterns for orchard establishment distinguished. This method is popular in the mountain regions. Farming contour and terrace fields using automated guidance systems with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers requires appropriate geographic features for effective guidance and soil and water conservation. The reintroduction of contour farming in the U.S. in the 1930s, for example, led to steeply increased crop yields and steep reductions in soil erosion. What Is Contour Furrow Irrigation Method? These can be put under broad classifications such as direct seeding vs. transplanting, direct planting vs. indirect planting, and manual vs. mechanized planting. This document is highly rated by Agricultural Engineering students and has been viewed 480 times. The objective of this paper was to develop methodologies for improving and designing guidance features for operating guidance systems in contour and terrace fields. In the background may be seen the new methods of contour farming suggested by... Allen County- This field slopes gently enough so that erosion and water run-off can be controlled by contour farming and strip cropping. Terrace farming. 2. Four Methods that must be adopted for Conserving Soil: Afforestation 2. Changing Agricultural Practices; Afforestation: The best method to conserve soil is to increase the area under forests. I once found an old contour earth drain, miles long, in the hills near the town of San Andreas in California. Soil Moisture Conservation Methods, Techniques, Tips. The best suited plants for hedgerows are readily not available: Flemingia macrophylla, Desmodium rensonii, Indigofera anil , and Leucaena leucocephala are all difficult to find, and expensive. This requires an approach that considers improving crops yield and WP, maintaining the health of the natural ecosystems and understanding the social and economic gains from farm based implemented practices in the smallholder farming community. All agricultural operations such as ridging, ploughing, harrowing, sowing, trenching, etc., are recommended to be done on the contour wherever possible or at least generally across the direction of the slope where holdings are very small. This page is about the first alternative methods as … The following are some of the methods. Contour Farming: farming perpendicular to the slope of a hill or mountain, instead of straight up or down it, to minimize runoff and erosion. Contour tillage occurs along contour lines, is a most basic and simple method for soil and water conservation, and serves as the foundation for other tillage practices aimed at soil and water conservation. Contour Tillage. The plough marks will be on level and can hold the rain. Contour farming, as a soil and water conservation method, was assumed to be implemented on agricultural, riparian, and bare lands. Contour bunding (CB) is one technique among the many farm based practices implemented in southern Mali. This practice can also increase crop yield through the soil moisture retention in arid and semi-arid regions. 1.1 Strengthening the edges of contour beds Contour beds can be further strengthened by using one or more of the following methods: This farmer... contour farming, aerial - contour farming stock … These are made on the steep slopes so that flat surfaces are available to grow crops. Terracing and contour ploughing terrace is another method of soil conservation to slow or prevent the rapid surface runoff. While the practice of contour farming has been around for centuries, conventional farmers have been slow to embrace the approach. It must have been hand built by some of the “forty-niners ”to wash gold from their claim. The "keyline" denominates a specific topographic feature related to the natural flow of water on the tract. With contour-furrow irrigation, water is carried across a sloping field rather than down the slope. This document is highly rated by Agricultural Engineering students and has been viewed 10126 times. Contour farming is a cultivation technique that, when used on gently sloping lands, can mitigate erosion and maximize the absorption of rain and nutrients before they rush down the slope. They can reduce surface run-off and soil erosion. Modern pesticides are more effective in protecting crops. Contour-bunding consists in making a narrow-based embankment at intervals across the slope of the land on a level that is along the contour. The water is caught and held in furrows and stored which reduces run off and erosion. Contour Bunding. Agricultural Land Technology (SALT). For individual farms, agricultural activity begins with tilling the soil for planting seeds, adding plant nutrients and employing pest control methods. By Sasha Banks-Louie Decades of tillage and a lack of cover cropping have caused serious harm to the world’s hillside cropland and its soil structures, creating an urgent need to explore alternative cultivation methods, such as those used in contour farming. Image enhancement method was used to reduce the influence of illumination and shadows. Checking Overgrazing 3. Contour farming is farming with row patterns that run nearly level around the hill -- not up and down the hill. Essay on the Limitations of Contour Farming: Contour farming creates better result in the field of relatively uniform slope. (i) Contour farming: The oldest method useful in areas with low rainfall in the preparation of the field with alternate furrows and ridges. Contour bunding involves the construction of banks along the contours. Mar 23, 2021 - Method of interpolation of Contours, Surveying and Levelling Agricultural Engineering Notes | EduRev is made by best teachers of Agricultural Engineering. by the relevant Keyline contour is the logical adaptation of old mining water handling techniques to agriculture. For fast and accurate automatic segmenting of sea cucumbers, an improved method based on active contour is presented in this paper. Though terrace farming is labor-intensive, this method helps in maximizing land area in variable terrains. It creates detention storage in the soil surface horizon and slows down the runoff thus giving the water time to infiltrate into the soil. Various planting patterns or planting arrangement can be applied in orchard establishment. Keyline design is a system of principles and techniques of developing rural and urban landscapes to optimize use of their water resources. Today, we discuss the topic of soil moisture conservation methods in agriculture farming.. Contour Farming. 4. Contour farming involves aligning plant rows and tillage lines at right angles to normal flow of runoff. Contour ploughing is the farming practice of ploughing across a slope following its contours, which have the effect of slowing water run-off during rainstorms so that the soil is not washed away and allows the water to percolate into the soil. The best results are often achieved when contour stone bunds are used in combination with the planting of grass and trees on the contour lines. Contour-furrow irrigation can be a deciding factor in maintaining our agricultural production and our standard of living. Mask R-CNN based cattle instance segmentation and contour line extraction method was developed. Ridges at the same level are known as ‘contours’. Contour stripcropping is crop rotation and contouring combined in equal-width strips of corn or soybeans planted on the contour and alternated with strips of oats, grasses, or legumes. Low availability of suitable materials . This was achieved by adjusting the SCS curve number Contour tillage changes the micro topography, increases the surface roughness, and strengthens the rainfall infiltration on the area. This method conserves soil and water in arid and semi-arid areas with high infiltration and permeability, and is commonly adopted on agricultural … Image fusion based on the RGB color space and the contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) method are used to increase the contrast of the sea cucumber thorns and body, respectively. To me it looked exactly Constructing Dams 4. Ensure that the edge of each contour bed is made with a slight slope about 5 degree to prevent unnecessary soil erosion. Even in heavy rain, the runoff is checked by the plants growing along the contour. Indiscriminate felling of trees should be stopped & efforts should be made to plant trees in new areas. Keyline design is a landscaping technique of maximizing the beneficial use of the water resources of a tract of land. The following ten sustainable farming methods and practices are just a few examples of the many ways that we can achieve a much more sustainable agriculture. The purpose of contour farming is to reduce runoff and soil erosion on mild slopes. The indicator accounting methods in the literature have usually been proposed for specific farming sectors, such as arable farms (i.e., method AEI by Girardin et al. Contour farming: Crops are cultivated along the contour of the land. Terrace farming-A type of farming that consists of different steps or terrace. For this technique, crops are planted across a slope following the natural elevation contour lines, rather than up and down the hill. In determining a one meter vertical drop, the “eye-hand” method is a simple procedure to use. contour farming: A conservation-based method of farming in which all farming operations (for example, tillage and planting) are performed across (rather than up and down) the slope. Contour Farming . 11 Advantages and Disadvantages of Contour Furrow Irrigation Method By Riyo Posted on May 15, 2019 May 15, 2019 Contour-furrow irrigation can save irrigation water, reduce erosion, and mean better crops on sloping fields. In terracing, a number of terraces are cut along the hill slope. Various methods of planting are practiced in crop farming.
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