Values between 0.0 and 0.5 mean that the cross-sectional area changes proportionally between no change and incompressibility, respectively. This effective Poisson's ratio is not available for use with Euler-Bernoulli beam elements. If the thermal expansion coefficient is temperature dependent, the reference temperature for thermal expansion must also be defined as described later in this section. The assumption that these nonlinear responses are uncoupled is restrictive; in general, there is some interaction between these four behaviors, and the responses are coupled. For each element in the infinite element sets, the script creates a corresponding membrane element such that the new element is a projection of the old element onto the surface of the sphere. In ABAQUS simulation, the results are usually true strain (LE) and true stress (Mises stress). Stress distribution along a path is calculated.3. Nonlinear generalized beam section behavior cannot be used with beam elements with warping degrees of freedom. Abaqus Python script — Reading 'TENSOR_3D_FULL' data from *.odb file. This effect is considered only in geometrically nonlinear analysis (see “Procedures: overview,” Section 6.1.1) and is provided to model the reduction or increase in the cross-sectional area for a beam subjected to large axial stretch. Uses the HistoryPoint to retrieve the historyRegion. Before you execute the example script, you must run two analyses that create the following output database files: An output database generated by the two-dimensional cross-section analysis. An output database generated by the beam analysis. This example illustrates how you can iterate through an output database and search for the maximum value of von Mises stress. is the curvature change about the second beam section local axis, is the bicurvature defining the axial strain in the section due to the twist of the beam, and. structural-engineering finite-element-method abaqus  Share. 0. manipulating tensorial data in Abaqus ODB . The coordinates of the center of the sphere. For option 2 the X–Y data are the current coordinates of the middle-surface integration points around the circumference of the elbow element, projected to a local coordinate system in the plane of the deformed cross-section. I created a model using hex shell elements. Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit solves the numerical problem defined in the model. Couldn't attach my .cae file here. In the Create Part dialog box (shown above) a. name the part b. When the section behaves according to beam theory (that is, the section does not distort in its plane) but the material has nonlinear response, it is usually better to use a beam section integrated during the analysis to define the section geometrically (see “Using a beam section integrated during the analysis to define the section behavior,” Section 15.3.6), in association with a material definition. If this parameter is present, section points specified on the data lines are ignored. Axial strains due to warping are included in the stress/strain output if a beam section integrated during the analysis is used. The script performs the same function as the FORTRAN program described in “Creation of a data file to facilitate the postprocessing of elbow element results: FELBOW,” Section 12.1.6 of the ABAQUS Example Problems Manual. If necessary, use the following option to specify the location of the centroid: If necessary, use the following option to specify the location of the shear center: Property module:Create Profile: Name: generalized_section, GeneralizedCreate Section: select Beam as the section Category and Beam as the section Type: Section integration: Before analysis, Profile name: generalized_section: Advanced: Centroid and Shear CenterAssignSection: select regions. Computes the average radial displacement. The example script does the following: Retrieves the node of interest using a nodeSet. Basically it seems that your X axis is aligned in the direction of the length of your beam; if this is the case, S22 is basically giving you the principal stress in that direction. In this case the reference temperature for thermal expansion, , must be defined. In either case define the orientation of the beam section (see “Beam element cross-section orientation,” Section 15.3.4); give Young's modulus, the torsional shear modulus, and the coefficient of thermal expansion, as functions of temperature; and associate the section properties with a region of your model. After the getInputs method returns acceptable values, the script reads the two output databases and writes the generated data back to the output database created by the two-dimensional cross-section analysis. The acoustic material properties do not have physical significance; the values used are for convenience only. Typically nonlinear section behavior is used to include the experimentally measured nonlinear response of a beam-like component whose section distorts in its plane. Before executing the script, run an analysis that creates an output database file containing the appropriate output. This behavior is appropriate if the beam is made of rubber or if it is made of a typical metal whose overall response at large deformation is essentially incompressible (because it is dominated by plasticity). stepName: The name of the step containing the load cases. In this case you would also use ResultField Output to select which element to display. Info. The name of the part instance to create (required). The warping function itself is undefined in the general beam section definition. This option corresponds to the *EL PRINT, FREQUENCY=n syntax in Abaqus. Axial stress. The script must provide a unique name for the generated field output because each of these fields is generated for a specific beam analysis output database and for a specific part instance, step, frame, element, and integration point. ABAQUS/CAE displays output only at active locations. A beam section integrated during the analysis must be used to obtain output of shear stresses.Requesting output of maximum axial stress/strain in Abaqus/Standard If you specify the output section points to obtain the maximum axial stress/strain (MAXSS) for a linear generalized section, the output value will be the maximum of the values at the user-specified section points. Only the section forces, moments, and transverse shear forces and section strains, curvatures, and transverse shear strains can be output (see “Element output” in “Output to the data and results files,” Section 4.1.2, and “Element output” in “Output to the output database,” Section 4.1.3). INFR, the acoustic infinite element “radius,” used in the coordinate map for these elements. weightList: The perturbation weighting factors. The example computes deviation of the nodal displacements with respect to a perfectly cylindrical displacement (cylinder bore distortion). To determine the stress values, from the menu bar click ToolsÎQuery a. You can enter a Float, a list of Floats, or a range. Computes the displacement magnitude history from the displacement component HistoryOutput objects in the historyRegion. Abaqus Python 'Getclosest' command. Hoop stress (available only for pipe elements). I am trying to understand the S11, S22 and S33 outputs from this model. Strain softening is allowed. Engineering stress and strain can be converted to true stress - log strain by: true eng ln 1 and true eng 1 You can also define the strain output as nominal strain (NE) which is the same as engineering strain. Click OK in this dialog box to cycle through the available components. enables the use of meshed cross-sections (“Meshed beam cross-sections,” Section 7.14.1). In the viewport mouse over the element of interest c. Note that Abaqus reports stress values from the integration points, which may differ slightly from the Because local coordinate system of elements is antisymetric, we get different stress outputs. For example, for a beam analysis output database called beam_run17.odb, the frame description is Beam ODB: beam_run17. The data in this case must begin with the point and proceed to give positive values of the kinematic variable at increasing positive values of the conjugate force or moment. Products: ABAQUS/Standard  ABAQUS/Explicit  ABAQUS/CAE, “Beam modeling: overview,” Section 15.3.1, “Specifying properties for general beam sections” in “Creating beam sections,” Section 12.8.7 of the ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual. is the curvature change about the first beam section local axis. Abaqus Monitoring Progress on Terminal. This example illustrates an ABAQUS Scripting Interface script that reads an output database and performs similar calculations. You can define “generalized” linear section behavior by specifying , , , , , and—if necessary— and directly. Select “2D Planar” c. Select “Deformable” d. Select “Wire” e. Set approximate size = 20 f. Property module:Create Profile: Name: library_sectionCreate Section: select Beam as the section Category and Beam as the section Type: Section integration: Before analysis, Profile name: library_sectionAssignSection: select regions. Now i am calibrating experimental results with abaqus results. If a command line argument is a String that contains spaces, some systems will interpret the String correctly only if it is enclosed in double quotation marks. Abaqus assumes that the transverse shear behavior of Timoshenko beams is linear elastic with a fixed modulus and, thus, independent of the response of the beam section to axial stretch and bending. Beam element result. The example script does the following: For each load case during a specified step, the script collects the S11 components of the stress tensor fields into a list of scalar fields. Execute the script using the following command: “Elastic-plastic collapse of a thin-walled elbow under in-plane bending and internal pressure,” Section 1.1.2 of the ABAQUS Example Problems Manual, contains several figures that can be created with the aid of this program. Temperature output at the section points can be obtained using the element variable TEMP. Computes the stress range using the maximum and minimum values of the stress component. The model consists of one triangular ACIN3D3 element. Figure 15.3.7–2 Example of inelastic nonlinear beam section behavior definition. Lets you specify the frequency, in increments, at which Abaqus outputs results. This text file can be included in the beam model. The document I am using for my steps are attached. The example script does the following: Retrieves two specified fields from the output database. Any temperature or field-variable gradients defined through the cross-section will be ignored in the response of beam elements that use a general beam section definition. Use the following options to define linear axial, bending, and torsional behavior: Use the following options to define nonlinear elastic axial, bending, and torsional behavior: Use the following options to define elastic-plastic axial, bending, and torsional behavior: Use both of the following options to specify the output section points for general beam sections: Use both of the following options in the two-dimensional meshed cross-section analysis to specify the output section points for the subsequent beam analysis. The acoustic pressure () and the acoustic far-field pressure () at a distance from the center of the sphere are, For this single-element example, you should enter a value of 1.0 for the speed of sound; thus, , where is the frequency in Hz. See “Meshed beam cross-sections,” Section 7.14.1, for details. Computes the new stresses and displacements. are the initial values of the field variables at this point (see “Defining initial values of predefined field variables” in “Initial conditions,” Section 19.2.1). A beam section integrated during the analysis must be used to obtain output of shear stresses. See “Material data definition,” Section 9.1.2, for a detailed discussion of the tabular input conventions. The numerical integration is performed once, determining the beam stiffness and inertia quantities, as well as the coordinates of the centroid and shear center, for the duration of the analysis. For option 1 the X-data are data for the distance around the circumference of the elbow element, measured along the middle surface, and the Y-data are data for the output variable. You can output stress and strain at particular points in the section. In particular, you must ensure that the range of values given for the variables is sufficient for the application since ABAQUS assumes a constant value of the dependent variable outside this range. Tap to unmute. This example illustrates the use of an ABAQUS Scripting Interface script to read selected element integration point records from an output database and to postprocess the elbow element results. In this example we’ll get familiar with other Abaqus abilities to plot curves. You can enter one of the following: The frequencies for which output should be generated (Hz). For nonlinear generalized section behavior, axial strain output only is provided. 1. Saves data computed to the output database as a new load combination. I am applying a load at the tip and i would like to plot the load/stresses along the beam vs distance. is the moment of inertia for cross-bending. Check the boxes labeled “Nodes” and “S, Mises” b. Initial conditions cannot be prescribed for the transverse shear forces. S33. Prints the displacement magnitude history. ABAQUS uses St. Venant torsion theory for noncircular solid sections. The example script does the following: Retrieves the stress field for a specified region during the last step and frame of the output database. Use the following command to retrieve the script: The script uses getInputs to display a dialog box that prompts you for the following information: The name of the element set containing the infinite elements (the name is case sensitive). For comparison, the original instance is displayed along with the new instance, but results are available only for the new instance. > Hi everybody, > I have completed my experiments about extended-bolted end plate steel > connection. This parameter applies only to Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit analyses. However, if you chose to write the results back to the original output database, the original instance and the new instance along with the original results and the new results can be displayed side-by-side. In addition, you can specify the location of the shear center. Define temperatures and field variables by giving the values at the origin of the cross-section as either predefined fields or initial conditions (see “Predefined fields,” Section 19.6.1, or “Initial conditions,” Section 19.2.1). The script then displays an undeformed contour plot of S11 and uses the getInputs method again to display a dialog box with a list of the available stress and strain components (S11, S22, S33, E11, E22, and E33). in this model is 1, and is 0.001. The script asks you to enter a new value if the sphere with this radius does not intersect any of the selected infinite elements. For most beam sections, Abaqus will calculate the transverse shear … The following illustrates how you can run the example script from the system prompt. Mon, 2008-10-06 12:05 - PJtree23. You can also select the component to display by starting the Visualization module and selecting ResultField Output from the main menu bar. MSG/STA file output control. You can select one of the standard library sections (see “Beam cross-section library,” Section 15.3.9) and specify the geometric input data needed to define the shape of the cross-section. Hi all. The value of the effective Poisson's ratio must be between –1.0 and 0.5. Hello, I am running ABAQUS EXPLICIT to simulate aortic valve function. This is just one more analysis simplified, so top and bottom curved remained full bar steel and side are steel tubes. By default, the script uses (0,0,0). In this video:1. The script appends this name to the name of the instance containing the infinite elements being used. how to extract results for beam analysis on Abaqus. For linear section behavior defined using a standard library section or a generalized section, only axial stress and axial strain values are available. The loading consists of applying an in-phase pressure boundary condition to all the nodes. is the moment of inertia for bending about the 2-axis of the section. Written into MSG/STA file. The temperature is defined from the temperature of the beam axis and the gradients of temperature with respect to the local - and -axes: The axial force, ; bending moments, and about the 1 and 2 beam section local axes; torque, ; and bimoment, , are defined in terms of the axial stress and the shear stress (see “Beam element formulation,” Section 3.5.2 of the ABAQUS Theory Manual). If the particular behavior is nonlinear but elastic, the data should be given from the most negative value of the kinematic variable to the most positive value, always giving a point at the origin. Start Abaqus and choose to create a new model database 2. Linear beam section response for a meshed section profile is obtained by numerical integration from the two-dimensional model. See Figure 15.3.7–2 for an example. PFARdB, the far-field pressure decibel value. Solar Mike. This analysis includes, for example, output for the elements and the integration point coordinates of the elements. To see how the script operates on a single triangular-element model, use the following command to retrieve the input file: Figure 8–6 Displaying the acoustic pressure on several spheres. After the script has finished writing data, it opens the output database containing the new data. Uses the addData method to add the computed field to the new FieldOutput object. Linear beam section response is defined geometrically by , , , , , and—if necessary— and . Abaqus for Beginners to make a stress strain Curve2. Using the distance from the reference point to the intersection point and the element shape functions, the required output variables are calculated at the intersection point. Creates a new FieldOutput object in the new frame. In addition, the output database must contain results for the following output variables: INFN, the acoustic infinite element normal vector. 28. 3. 8.10.1 Finding the maximum value of von Mises stress, 8.10.3 An ABAQUS Scripting Interface version of FPERT, 8.10.4 Computations with FieldOutput objects, 8.10.5 Computations with FieldValue objects, 8.10.6 Computations with HistoryOutput objects, 8.10.7 Creating a new load combination from different load cases, 8.10.8 Stress range for multiple load cases, 8.10.10 Viewing the analysis of a meshed beam cross-section, 8.10.11 Using infinite elements to compute and view the results of an acoustic far-field analysis. The function and its derivatives are not stored for a general beam section. S, S11 (Avg: 75%) SP:7 PI: PART-1-1 N: 26004. Include this parameter to indicate that output should be written for all section points in shell, beam, or layered solid elements for which output is requested. This example illustrates how you can operate on FieldOutput objects and save the computed field to the output database. The example script does the following: Retrieves the information describing the new load combination from the command line. is the moment of inertia for bending about the 1-axis of the section. For linear section behavior defined using a meshed section, axial and shear stress and strain are available. By default, the script generates output for all the frequencies in the original output database. Click Cancel to end the script. Computes the distortion as the difference between radial displacement and the average radial displacement. See Figure 15.3.7–1 for an example. In field output I request output from my 4 section points. For example, “ ALL ELEMENTS”. Watch later. You can run the script more than once and continue writing data to the same output database. In following this approach you should recognize that such unstable section collapse, like any unstable behavior, typically involves localization of the deformation: results will, therefore, be strongly mesh sensitive. Output for individual components of this field output can be requested within the Visualization module of ABAQUS… I have one simple question about stress output on beam elements in static 3D analysis. Figure 15.3.7–1 Example of elastic nonlinear beam section behavior definition. So > for calibrating strain gauge datas with abaqus datas i need to see stress > and strain datas from abaqus. See “Material damping,” Section 12.1.1, for more information about the material damping types available in ABAQUS. By default there are no stresses from such analyses. In the left figure areas which are shown as blue are still in the elastic region. You can define “generalized” nonlinear section behavior by specifying the area, ; moments of inertia, for bending about the 1-axis of the section, for bending about the 2-axis of the section, and for cross-bending; and torsional rigidity, . Improve this question. Linear section response is calculated as follows. The origin of the local system coincides with the center of the cross-section; the plane of the deformed cross-section is defined as the plane that contains the center of the cross-section. Initial conditions can be specified only for the axial force, the bending moments, and the twisting moment. The command line arguments provide the following: modeList: A list of eigenmodes to use in the perturbation. Axial strains due to warping are included in the stress/strain output from Abaqus/Standard if a beam section integrated during the analysis is used. Output for individual components of field output can be requested within the Visualization module of ABAQUS/CAE. The torsion function and its derivatives are necessary to calculate shear stresses in the plane of the cross-section. The visualization sphere is then determined using the specified radius and center. If the script cannot find the specified element set in the output database, it displays a list of the available element sets in the message area. The increment or mode number (for a frequency analysis). is the difference between the unconstrained warping amplitude, , and the actual warping amplitude, . The equations for the acoustic pressure, , and the acoustic far-field pressure, , reduce to. You must select enough section points to ensure that this is the true maximum. At each point in the cross-section the axial stress, , and the shear stress, , are given by. The contour data generated by the example script are written back to the output database that was originally created by the two-dimensional, cross-section analysis. Attached is the example with simple enclosed ring. In the shear flexible elements ABAQUS provides for a possible uniform cross-sectional area change by allowing you to specify an effective Poisson's ratio for the section. The script will search the element set ALL ELEMENTS in the viewer tutorial output database for the maximum value of von Mises stress: Note:  The script prompts for additional information, depending on the option that was chosen; this information includes the following: Your choice for storing results (ASCII file or a new output database), The element output variable (option 1 only), The component of the variable (option 1 only). when I request a stress output for a single node of B31 from the visualization module I get in the model tree, 4 sets of stress output titled as follow: S, S11 (Avg: 75%) SP:3 PI: PART-1-1 N: 26004. Controls whether the software creates a message (MSG) … Sums all the stress fieldValues and computes the average value. Axial strains due to warping are included in the stress/strain output if a beam section integrated during the analysis is used. Numerical simulation of a beam element by ABAQUS and make appearing with the theory in case of different types of mesh Use the following options to define generalized nonlinear beam section properties: Nonlinear generalized cross-sections are not supported in ABAQUS/CAE. Each node of the element is placed on a coordinate axis at a distance of 1.0 from the origin that serves as the reference point for the infinite element. how to extract results for beam analysis on Abaqus - YouTube. If you specify the output section points to obtain the maximum axial stress/strain (MAXSS) for a linear generalized section, the output value will be the maximum of the values at the user-specified section points. These beam section properties are calculated during the beam section generation and are written to the text file jobname.bsp. However, it may introduce additional errors if the response involves combined loadings. Can't connect Abaqus PDE to Abaqus/CAE. Any spaces in a step or instance name are replaced by underscores. Use the following commands to retrieve the example script and an input file to create a sample output database: This example illustrates how you can view the results of a meshed beam cross-section analysis that was generated using Timoshenko beams, as described in “Meshed beam cross-sections,” Section 10.4 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual. You must determine if this approximation is reasonable for a particular case. The example script writes new stress and strain fields. Check attached hand check calculations. Hi, it is a surface variable. For example, you can run the script several times to look at the far-field pressures at various points in space, and results on several spheres will be written to the output database. Nonlinear section behavior can also be used to model beam section collapse in an approximate sense: “Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a structure with local inelastic collapse,” Section 2.1.1 of the ABAQUS Example Problems Manual, illustrates this for the case of a pipe section that may suffer inelastic collapse due to the application of a large bending moment. Whether to write data to the original output database. I am currently working on abaqus modeling, I am trying to find a quick way to get the strain and stress values shown in the output file. Use the following commands to retrieve the example script and the viewer tutorial output database: The following example illustrates how you can use the ABAQUS Scripting Interface commands to do the following: A FORTRAN program that reads the ABAQUS results file and creates a deformed mesh from the original coordinate data and eigenvectors is described in “Creation of a perturbed mesh from original coordinate data and eigenvectors: FPERT,” Section 12.1.4 of the ABAQUS Example Problems Manual.
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